Althea Talk #002: My Journey Into Skincare

in #beauty7 years ago

Hello everyone!

I wanted to talk a little bit about my journey into skincare. To be brutally honest, before Althea, I never applied anything to my face, not even sunscreen. I was like guys don't do skincare, but then ... then, my chapter with Althea started back in 2015. My whole philosophy has been you need to try what you sell. In order to have good products on our website, I thought that I needed to start trying some of the products on our site. That's how I delved into the world of skincare, and you know what, it wasn't a myth, having the right skincare applied will do wonders for your face.

Time & Patience
If you think there will be anything that will magically change your face overnight, you are thoroughly misguided, although there are a lot of commercials out there that state otherwise. The only way to get almost instantaneous change via the dermatology clinic. Like almost everything out there in the world, it takes a lot of time and patience to see results in your skin complexion.

Get the Right Stuff
I tried a ton of different stuff out there, and a lot of the stuff out there is just not right for my skin. I broke out with some products. I got red with others. There were even times that my skin would start peeling off. Once, I had this really important meeting out in Indonesia, so I packed my bags, went to Indonesia, tried some samples that I brought along, and the day of the meeting, BAM! there was a huge pimple right in the middle of my nose. I'm talking about the king of pimples. And to make matters worse, I tried desperately to pop it. Please don't do this. It makes matters much worse!

What I'm trying to say, is that there are different types of skin out there: dry, combination, oily, etc. Try to find products that are good for you!

While I did not want to try to endorse products out there, oh well, I did want to share some of the products that I thought were pretty good. Shall we try out a game of My Favorite Things (so far)? Sorry that some of the products are actually Althea products, but I just really like it for my skin!

My Favorite Products:
Cleanser: Althea Bare Essential line's Contour Cleanser
Toner: Belif's Bergamot Herbal Extract Toner
Lotion/Cream: Innisfree's Jeju Lava Seawater Cream
Sunscreen: Eucerin Sun Fluid Sensitive Protect SPF 50+

The Eucerin product is not k-beauty, but I just really like the product. I do see the sun sticks becoming really popular these days. The pro of the sun stick is that it is really easy to apply and it doesn't get on your hands. On the flip side, I've seen kids out at the pool with sunburn on random spots throughout their back.

While I still don't remember to put on everything every single day, I've been warned by my dermatologist that even if I don't put on anything, you should still put on sunscreen. Just a heads up guys.

It would be pretty cool for people who are into beauty products to share some of the products that they like!

Thanks, and have a great day!

More about myself:
Steemit Introductory Post

Althea Talk Series:
Althea Talk #001: Introduction

Startup Blabber Series:
Startup Blabber #001: Communication Within a Team
Startup Blabber #002: Most Important Aspect of a Startup
Startup Blabber #003: There shall always be conflict!


Woff, woff!

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  • If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate.
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I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶


Thanks, please let me know if you would like for me to share any specific experiences. Have a good one!

Beauty women,I like seen it

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