Pretty Feet
Who doesn’t want pretty feet !!! Of course we all do. I think I have tried it all! But I finally have a routine that I follow to have smooth and moisturized feet.
As I get older, I notice my feet are not getting enough moisture and feel dry. I have used Vaseline my whole life to keep my feet moisturized but feel that it is just not enough to keep my feet looking nice and smooth.
I was on Pinterest one day and came across an article about using Vicks on your feet. And of course, I went into the medicine cabinet and grabbed the Vicks.
I put Vicks on my feet and put some socks on and went to bed. Now,I hate to sleeping with my socks on. So through the night I removed them and felt my feet were smooth. I was HOOOOKED! I now have a routine where I use Vicks one day and Vaseline the other day.
Now, that fixes one issue. But now I had to tackle Calluses. UGH!!!! What a headache because I can never get my feet nice and clean just like when you go get a pedicure. I went to my local Sally’s and asked one of the sales associates which Calluses remover she recommend Gena Callus Off.
Here is a list of great tools to use for Calluses that I really like:
Pumice stone ( You can pick up at Sally’s for 2.99 USD)
Revlon’s new Pedi-EXPERT (You can pick this item up at your local Ulta for 9.99 USD)
Gena Callus Off (You can purchase at Sally’s for 11.99 USD)
Listerine and Peroxide (note: your feet will get a small green tint because of the Listerine) Soak feet for 10-15 minutes then use Pumice Stone to remove the calluses
Any of these items will work great!