5 Best Ways To Deal With Skin Pigmentation
5 Best Ways To Deal With Skin Pigmentation. Pigmentation is the common problem now a days and it becomes worsen with the passage of time. The excessive melanin production causes pigmentation and the dark brown spots start appearing on the surface of the skin. Mostly the skin pigmentation is the reason of too much exposure to the sun.
Apart from sun rays the unhealthy foods, liver problems and indigestion also contribute a lot in damaging the skin. With the treatment of skin pigmentation it is also necessary to avoid these above mentioned things to keep safe from further damage. First of all to deal with the skin pigmentation you need to consult a skin care physician and also switch to some of the best home remedies to get rid of the skin pigmentation.
To use pigmentation removal creams with chemicals is not a good idea. So best is to start with the home remedies to remove skin pigmentation. But You can use good quality and branded pigmentation removal creams as well.
Here we have selected the 5 Best Ways To Deal With Skin Pigmentation:
Lemon juice:
You need to have few tablespoon of lemon juice. You can apply this lemon juice with the help of cotton ball on the affected area twice daily. Lemon has bleaching properties it helps to clear the skin fast.
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Within six to eight weeks you will feel your skin starts getting rid of pigmentation.
In the same way you can use the onion juice if you feel the lemon juice is harsh for your skin, because lemon and onion has same acidity.
Aloe Vera Gel:
You can also apply the aloe vera gel as it soothes the sun burn skin. Make slices of aloe vera and place in the refrigerator and apply before going to bed. Leave it overnight and wash away in the morning.
Olive Oil:
You can also get rid of skin pigmentation by applying the olive oil. Olive oil also has nourishing properties it not only deal with the issue but also offers soft and supple skin.
Apply olive oil on the face and clean it with lukewarm water by dipping cloth in it. You can also add lemon juice in olive oil to apply on the affected area.
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Castor Oil:
If you have dry and crackly pigmentation patches on the skin you can massage it with castor oil twice daily.
Vitamins C:
Vitamin C is beneficial in repairing the damaged skin tissues and deals with the free radical issue. So use Vitamin C oriented foods daily to repair healthy skin from inside the outside. You can also apply good quality Vitamin c serums on the face to make it flawless.
Some methods to Avoid Skin Pigmentation:
Avoid too much exposure to sun.
Use a good quality sun screen cream and lotion before going out.
Use sun glasses and hats to avoid direct sun light on face.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Switch to healthy food and lifestyle.
Do exercise daily and take proper sleep.
Hope these tips will be beneficial for you to get rid of skin pigmentation. For more tips regarding the flawless skin.