The largest animals are whales

in #beautiful7 years ago

you send us beautiful questions. Your questions give us an opportunity to think and think. Today's question is simple, which is the largest creature in the world? The question is the heart. The heart is a little boy. He just fell into class one. So the question is simple for those who are big, but the question is not easy for the heart. But today, after answering the heart, it will be a simple question to the heart.
Blue whale or blue whale is the largest creature in the world. Its length is approximately 100 feet or 30 meters. But to understand how big a blue whale actually is, we need to compare some things with them, then you can understand how big 100 feet is really big. The average height of the people is 5 feet six inches. If you have another height of 30 people, then you get blue whale length. Easier to say if the length of a basket ball court is 94 feet. Now if you want to put a normal blue blue whip in the basketball court, then the court will have to make you more than 3 feet by 6 feet in two

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This is the length of words. Now we talk about the weight of the blue whale. A blue whim weighing up to 181 metric tons! 1 metric ton is 1000 kg How much is your weight The average weight of an adult man is 70 kg. The weight of a blue whale is equal to 2666 people. The 8-DC-9S model has a weight of 22.7 metric tons. Hey father, 8 planes can not be part of the blue whale or even one-fourth of the weight.
So big, the size of which is how much food he consumes every day? The question may come to your mind. A blue whale favorite food is a small shrimp. The name of this fish is 'Creele'. Blue whales eat more than three and a half m tons of food every day. What does this mean? Every day about 4 crore crores turn into a blue whale food.
Where is this big creature then hidden? The blue whale does not really hide. They roam around the world in all the oceans of the world. But their king's halal is now being hampered for fish hunters. Fish hunters are killing arbitrarily many blue whales, so the amount of blue whales in the sea has so low that the scientists have gone too much. Now they are trying to save how the blue whales can be saved. Finally, in 1996, the international organization made arrangements to stop the law. According to an estimation of 2002, there are around 6,000 to 12 thousands of blue whales around the world. All of us need to be protected by them, otherwise this vast variety of whales will be completely lost from the earth one day.

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Disclaimer & Privacy Policy About Us Contact Us Advertisement SubscriptionCitaceae class Aquatic Mammal whale. Although whale is often called whale fish; They are not fish at all but rather mammals like humans. At birth, newborns are affected with the tail, resulting in the risk of drowning. In the aquatic environment, Mother Whales drink their child's twist like a paste. This milk contains about 50 percent fat and the child whales drink this milk till about six months of age. They live in the sea. There are about 79 to 84 species of whales. There is a great difference in their size, shape and

images (3).jpgappearance. Among the many species of whale there are blue whales, killer whales, pilot whales, humpback whales, etc. in the world. Killer whales are usually seen to travel to big groups. Humpbacks, on the other hand, prefer to live alone or in smaller groups. Whales of the species may be up to 11 to 98 feet in length. The biggest whim found so far was more than 1, 82 thousand kg more. The number of whales in the team is usually limited to 2 to 30. However, this number can be a lot more than 100. Usually when they move in search of food or move from a place in the ocean, they can be seen together. Each group of whales is called pod in English. Whales make special sounds for communication between themselves. Originally used by the echo of the word, the whistle makes contact. The special method of contacting whales is called ekolation. Marine animals can not breathe under water. And they can not sleep completely because of that. To run the breathing, they are always somewhat conscious to sleep. However, some whales can spend up to one and a half hours under water quite easily. Seeing a special part of the whale ear, it is possible to say how old it is. Whale could create quite harmonious sound. It is difficult to determine their average lifespan. But some whales live up to 130 years.
Book: Yusuf Shimul

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