FINAL BATTLE! final track for beatbattle season 1!

in #beatbattle7 years ago (edited)


As the Titel says!

Before you going to listen to my latest production. I want to give a very big shoutout to EVERYBODY on steemit supporting me and giving me a reason to stay around. A special shoutout goes to my mate @chiefmappster himself for running this epic battle that went seriously over the top resulting in top notch producers joining every week again. Without this battle, and effort of chiefmappster I probably would not have stayed on steemit. He made me see that the thing I like to do is stuff with music. This synergy resulted in us both joining forces and work on the SMA community! Big shoutout to everyone who joined aswell.. It means a lot to me to see how good of environment we are building all together there!

Anyways.. As the one who is currently sitting on the #1 position in the #beatbattle, I had to come up with something nice and different people would expect... yet hopefully kept the energy in it:)

Let me know what you think of it in the comments below. I heard @beatseb tracks and it's going to be close for sure.. strangely we had the same approach with orchestra and guitars.. but i'm more a piano man :)

Enjoy it! And come and beats me in the next season!! i hope to see you there...

Have a nice day all!

Looking for musicians for collabs and stuff ? Check here ;)


O dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

This is absolutely freakin incredible. Such emotion you create with this one holy smokes. This screams last battle in every way possible.

Man do those sounds coming in at 0:20 set the tone so strongly of this final battle. And those horns coming in at 0:30 yessssss creating that before the battle feel. I can envision the troops marching towards each other.

And then you just blow our freakin minds with that chant and guitar around 1:20. Absolutely incredible. You blew me away with that guitar. You have been hiding that from us :)

And love how you go back to the horns around 2:07 and then end with such passion and drama at the end of your beat so awesome.

Thank for for all the time and effort you put into this masterpiece. This is an absolute gem.

Much love and respect for the acknowledgement in the post and thank you for all you have done for this community. You are such a leader and have such a passion and talent for music and business. It is a pleasure to have met you and to call you a friend.

Much love and respect and can't wait to see what this future holds o weeeeee.

wow thanks chief! same counts for man let's rock on the show! :D

You're very welcome buddy.

Appreciate that let's keep it going brother.

Big sounds there for sure, the melody line is very victorious in my opinionated ears, but when the guitar kicks in that changes and it shifts into a battling scene. Cool. Did you midi play those sampled guitars through a vst, or is it a sample chunk from your collection?
I like the drumming sounds, the orchestra sounds and them Samoans yelling: "Wake a more!!" lOl Are they Samoans? I don't tell me, but for some reason I envision them as such. ☺
Nice battling track you created Champ...but will it be enough to beat me? Only them judges can tell. (; Massiv Big Up buddy. ☺

Wooo Hooooo!!!!!! After the scream those guitars and THE SCRatchesss! hahahLove the enrgy and production Sick, i feel a la limp bizkit vibe a bit but def with ur own approach and imdiggin those orchestra, Kudos on great work

I can't wait to listen to Seveaux's production in a movie soon. If anybody want's to try, play this while watching a final fight scene of any movie.

Also, this is something I would sample ;)

Damn dude! Tweaking that bitcrusher til the very end huh?
I am somewhat amazed so many guitar influences make it into these tracks for beatbattle. Excellently fused with the heroism of classical orchestra.
Your mix is very well done as well.

Pretty cool track @seveaux you crunched a lot of sounds into the mix, no wonder it took you some time to clear all that, you caught control over that subs 👍 😎 are this Cinesamples Drums of War I hear?

nope it's audio damage ;)

Never tried Audio Damage, Drums of War are perfect for this situation for me, but heard some good sub drums in your track, can you throw me a link to the plug in you used from Audio Damage to check it out

I meant heavyocity damage, instead of audio damage sorry :P

Succes and Happy New Year

Dope. I can see a fight scene happening now.

Dude why arent these posts getting more attention? This can be implemented in Game of Thrones for next season. Hurry up with your promotion, you will be just in time to get yourself in there.

No but for real... its good dude!! Make it happen!


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