Beat Battle Week One Results
Eight (8) epic entries from Steemit producers made up the first week of the Beat Battle League. And wow did these entries set the bar high for the rest of the weeks for the Beat Battle League. It really was a blessing being able to hear so many unique and epic beats from all over the Steemit universe.
So as a result besides the SBD and Whaleshare prize pool, two additional bonus prizes are being offered to the first place winner this week.

The first bonus prize for the first place winner is an one (1) hour consultation with former Rap-A-Lot Records music executive @jacobchamplain . He will discuss a comprehensive list of material with the first place winner so included at the bottom of this post is a list of information to be filled out prior to the first place winner's consultation.
The second bonus prize for the first place winner is the opportunity to have Ohio Hip-hop artist, Boom the Bomb, spit a verse or two on their beat.
Boom the Bomb recently opened for Bone Thugs 'n Harmony and Hopsin; and has also performed internationally in Milan, Italy. I will facilitate the process for the winner so just reach out to myself on Discord or at [email protected]. For more information about Boom the Bomb go here:
The goal of these bonus prizes is to provide incredible value to the winner and provide extra incentive for future contestants. Week Two's bonus prizes will be announced with the information for Week Two of the Beat Battle League tomorrow.
Judging and supporting the Beat Battle with their time & resources this week were: @chiefmappster , @jphenderson , @anomadsoul , @derekmiller , and @tuck-fheman .
Remember entries are judged on: Sound Quality, Technicality, and Creativity.

The aim of the Beat Battle League is to highlight and showcase the talents of the music producers, beat makers, and sound engineers of Steemit with the goal of providing additional recognition and rewards for these hard-working Steemians.
FIRST PLACE WINNER: @verbal-d with an average of 5.0 points wins 30 SBD, 100 Whaleshares, a 1 hour consultation, and 1-2 Boom the Bomb verses for his efforts.
I want to title this beat "Rush" because holy shit did I get a rush of energy listening to this epic beat you made. All the judges agreed there was just something about this beat that elevated it a head of the other entries. I literally got goosebumps while listening to your beat and writing this. It must be your crystal soul because man this beat is spooky, mysterious, and inspirational. I feel like the Spartans would play this shit before battle. I can't wait to listen to this when I need a boost during the day. Thanks again for this epic entry, had you scored 5 across the board for Sound Quality, Technicality, and Creativity. You are absolutely deserving of this epic first prize package.
Check out the entry here as well:
SECOND PLACE WINNER: @hfigueroa winning 15 SBD and 50 Whaleshares with an average of 4.83 points winning the tiebreaker over 3rd place.
@hfigueroa you absolutely blew away the judges with this incredible performance. The judges especially like the switch-up 30 seconds in. The layers on this beat are ridiculous and you really know how to change up the BPM to keep your audience engaged. That is something that elevated you among the rest, your beat kept the judges engaged the entire time. My personal favorite part is the switch-up at 1:40 it just works so well to interject and then keep the flow going until the end. Had you scored as: Sound Quality: 4.5, Technicality: 5.0, and Creativity 5.0. Only dinged you .5 from Sound Quality because I could notice and difference in the sound between yours and verbal-d 's. Not sure what that is a result of maybe it's because like you said you were traveling and didn't have all your gear; but nonetheless, this was a blessing to listen to and all the judges agreed.
Check out the entry here as well:
THREE PLACE WINNER: @edgarstudio winning 8 SBD and 25 Whaleshares with an average of 4.83 points.
When you first posted this, I thought you had this week's battle in the bag because how how high quality this entry is. But man thank you so much for submitting this piece of art. I personally have played it several times and get the biggest smile on my face when I listen to it. I can only imagine the good vibes a produced track would bring. Had you scored as: Sound Quality: 5.0, Technicality: 5.0, and Creativity: 4.5. As you can see the top four were are so close, and I think the difference is really the different styles of beats people enjoy. The quality was top-notch, the layout was flawless with transitions being so good you almost couldn't notice them, and the different sounds and layers you choose with this beat blew me away.
Check out the entry here as well:
FOURTH PLACE WINNER: @shakazula winning 4 SBD and 15 Whaleshares with an average of 4.67 points.
By far the favorite visual of the judges, @shakazula you did everything right on this beat. Amazing sound quality, absolutely epic visual of your beat, and the judges loved the vibe it put out. You really would probably win any other beat battle with this beat but man the quality this week you just missed the top overall spot let alone second or third. Keep up these epic entries because I have a feeling we will be calling your name as first place one of these weeks. Had you scored as: Sound Quality: 5.0 Technicality: 4.5, and Creativity: 4.5. Some judges had you scored higher than others but I have no doubt this is an epic overall entry.
Check out the entry here as well:
FIFTH PLACE WINNER: @defjukie winning 2 SBD and 10 Whaleshares with an average of 4.0 points.
@dejukie the judges absolutely loved your creativity with this one and that category really brought you up in the rankings. I know this is something outside of your comfort zone, but it did not seem that way. I really liked how you switched it up at the 50 second mark that was a perfect way to keep me hooked. I listened all the way through and that is a skill in itself. For whatever reason, I don't know if it was the kicks or the layers but you had me and the judges interested in your beat all the way through. Had you scored with 4.0 across the board. I have a feeling with this week under your belt you will shine next week.
Check out the entry here as well:
SIXTH PLACE WINNER: @intunejune winning 1 SBD and 5 Whaleshares with an average of 4.0 but losing the tiebreaker to @dejukie .
My man @intunejune came out of no where and came in with this entry. I know you said you were rushed and maybe that's why it wasn't at the quality you normally produce at; but nonetheless, we all freakin really enjoyed this entry. You brought the calm to this week's entries and as judges our ears thank you. The Beats Per Minute on this beat were perfect keeping me engaged during the whole beat. Had you scored as: Sound Quality: 4.0, Technicality: 4.5, and Creativity: 3.5. The judges dinged you on creativity and so did I. It just would have been nice to see more texture in this beat, but other than that this was an awesome beat. It brought a whole different flavor to the Beat Battle and deserves to be rewarded for doing so.
Check the entry out here as well:
HONORABLE MENTION: @ty2nicerva with an average of 3.84 points.
I know you said you wished you had more time and that's my fault working through the first week kinks. But man the judges all agreed they see the potential and you must have a love-or-hate style because the main reason you finished here was the range in your scores. Some had your the highest and some had you otherwise. For me, that shows me that you are going to dominate a certain market and live off it for years by bringing immense joy to that specific market. Had you scored as: Sound Quality: 4.0, Technicality: 4.0, and Creativity 4.5. I really loved the amount of layers and different sounds you included in your beat and as you can see my scores reflect that. Can't wait to see what you bring next week when you have enough time to do you. Thanks again for your time and effort, I really loved this beat.
Check out the entry here as well:
HONORABLE MENTION: @satoshii with an average of 3.5 points.
Ay @satoshii I think you did a fantastic with entry had you scored: Sound Quality: 4.0, Technicality: 4.5, and Creativity: 4.0. Like @ty2nicerva , the range of scores from the judges were wide. I really liked the wumps, the placement of the claps and the overall frequency of the beat. It put me in the perfect state to work throughout the day. I played it several times, so I mean the quality is there. I think the judges wanted more depth to the beat, but I am interested to see what you bring next week and see if the judge's range of scores stabilizes out. Thanks again for your time and effort, i thoroughly enjoyed this beat,
Check out the entry here as well:
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post announcing the two different original beats to sample from. By using original beats I have obtained, the final product of what Steemit producers create is legally theirs and can do with what they want. The goal is the Steemians can then use the beats they create to further their goals, dreams, and ambitions. We are here to help make these dreams come true.
About former Rap-A-Lot Records music executive @jacobchamplain
I spent nearly 15 years in the music business. I’ve done every job there is from street team work and every other form of promotions to being an executive. I have a background in music theory, production, and writing. Over the years I’ve worked mostly for one record label but have worked with a number of different genres.
@verbal-d , I am offering a one hour consultation toward getting you to the next level. Just have the questions below answered before the consultation and I will do my best to get you where you really want to be.
A&R (artist and repertoire)
a. is it a hobby or a passion?
b. what sets you apart?
c. is there a message of continuity?
Material and Merch
a. do you have a logo, a brand and if so is it clearly defined
b. is the merch being sold relatable to your fan base
c. do you have a fan club/mailing list
d. how often do you create create new material
e. how often do you network and to what degree?
f. have you had placement for any of your products before?
Public Relations
a. do you have interview etiquette skills?
b. what are you doing to better/heighten public awareness?
c. at what level are your networking abilities?
This is just another Steemian helping out another Steemian achieve their dreams. How amazing is that.

These tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts!
Download Bitshares Wallet

Some Epic Stuff going on here and i am missing out!
Ayyyyyy always time to hop on the team buddy :)
Wow Congratulations to all the producers! Huge thank you to @chiefmappster for the opportunity to share my love of music-making here with the steemit community! And shoutout to all the producers who submitted in a timely manner to make that fire just in time :) @hfigueroa @shakazula @defjukie @intunejune @ty2nicerva @satoshii To be honest i may have judged it a bit differently with the exception of my best friend @verbal-d :D, congratulations to you my brother! But at the end of the day, it is not about the points it is all about the music, and that is the great thing about having this open space. Well I am looking forward to hearing the future ideas that we will embark on, keep on creating yall!
Amen my brother amennn. I really appreciate your words and perspective. This was an awesome unique challenge judging this week, definitely looking forward to next's weeks. And the timeline is hammered out now sorry about that. We have everything streamlined now, thanks again for your patience and understanding.
And yeah that's what I noticed too, everyone has such an unique ear its so similar to people's unique taste to different kinds of art. Music is art so it makes sense. But absolutely looking forward to growing this epic Steemit music community with ya buddy. To the moon we go :)
Wow, trying to make me speechless I see! Thank you very very much to everyone, especially the sponsors and judges, I am completely surprised about getting 1st place. Who would have thought only my brain, my 2008 Macbook and 10 year old Garageband program could pull off an upset victory? I am glad I wasn't one of the judges, there were so many great entries with so many diverse kinds of styles. Nice judging judges! Congrats to all the winners, my bro @Edgarstudio, and salute to all the participants, supporters, and sponsors. This is truly an amazing prize. It is a quad reality like the fourth dimension. This made my day ridiculously good. Thank you all again very much. Truly humbled.
Ayyyyyy glad we could help you level up my man. You really deserve all this recognition it is a legendary beat. I have listened to it a lot of times :)
But rightttt only need that heart and sometimes basic tools and man yo ucan build anything. I am so happy to see you building shit. Just wait until the universe unlocks the next level of tools for you. Holy shit you are going to bring some much real, positive change.
Thanks again for your words we all appreciate you. Much love buddy :)
Thank you again bro, I try to make the most catchy impactful music I can, and not every one my songs or beats are a straight hit but it is the journey and process of trial and error to getting to songs and instrumentals like these worth repeating.
Yeah I actually have the newest garageband for 2017, but I didn't use it this week, but next week I will try it but it is so brand new to me, I hope I can navigate it smoothly and figure out what I can do on there :)
Also you're most welcome as well, much love bro
Ay you are so on point with your words. Progression not perfection my dude. Can't wait to see what ou have in store. Just posted Week Two's beats. If you don't mind can you resteem it so we get more awareness I want all the producers in Steemit to know about it.
Thanks again for all you do for this Steemit music community, thanks again.
Yeah no problem bro, I will definitely resteem it and raise the awareness bro! Looking forward to hearing the new set of beats for this week! I will resteem, but I will wait a bit cause I just posted my rap challenge entry, if you have time, feel free to peep out the lyrics bro :) Indeed, progression not perfection!
O heck yeah appreciate it my friend. I am on it thanks for letting me know.
You are most welcome bro, glad to connect with you always and reciprocate the support!
Yesssir just wait until we get these Steemit Studios up and running =Nextlevel o weeee
Yo, you want somebody to hit that with some lics lemme know.
O shit, yeah most defintely
Hey bro What are the plans with the beats from the beat battle league, are we funnelling them into the Rap Challenge or doing something separate with collaborations and stuff? I'm open to whatever, and I know it's my beat to do whatever with it with whomever, but it would just be good to know the direction of the community
That is a great question. I talked to Boom and he said he would be down to do a track with you. Dominate that beat you made.
Don't think we will be doing that. @rondonson and I went our separate ways for now that's why I am not an "official judge" anymore. But as you can see I am still analyzing and paying attention. So let me know if you want me to reach back out to Boom and have him spit on the track. But totally up to you buddy as you said its your beat. I am here to help if you need me.
Thanks bro, I will definitely be checking out Boom's music and see what he does music about, and if he wants to do an inspirational eye opening track and collab track with me also rapping and or singing on the Mysterioso beat I made, you can ask him for sure and see if he is interested :) That would be fresh.
And sorry to hear about @rondonson and you, hopefully you can mend the broken bridge, but we will all keep moving forward in a positive manner.
Heck yeah that's exactly what Boom is about and appreciate that if it's meant to be its meant to be my friend.
And thank you it will all work out in due time. He is a crystal soul. The Universe knows this. It will all work out. That is what my gut instinct is telling me at least. Could be wrong, but I have faith my friend.
You are most welcome, only heard one track so far, and he can flow and has good cadence and delivery, but I will listen to more of his tracks to get a fuller diverse understanding of his style. But so far so good
Thanks too all the judges, and producers ! It was a hard battle. :)
I broke the Ice and other producers definitley brought the heat aswell :D , Cant wait for new sampling material , and im motivated to try and place a bit higher next time :P My bitshares acc. is shakazula22 ;)
Thanks again for this opportunity .
Peace, Shaka :)
Ayyyyy perfect, really appreciate your words. And we no doubt thank you for being a trend starter :)
Thanks @jphenderson OG Whaleshares Founder is on it :)
Hey, just checking about those Whaleshares , do i need to do anything elese to recive them? Thanks :)
Nope buddy. I will remind @jphenderson to send them. I know he is in the middle of traveling overseas but I will remind him for ya :)
thank you ;)
My man (Denzel Washington voice). Looking forward to your entry this week o weeeeee.
Namaste :)
:D did some sampling already, then i bought me a new VST synth , and ive been playing with it for the past 3 days :P Will prob finish it tommorow .
I have time till friday, right ?
Thanks for this comment, it gets me motivated ;)
O yeah buddy you have plenty of time. We will annouce the winners Saturday we want to give y'all all the time you need. Greatness takes time we know this ;)
O weeeee buddy now you just sent me so much energy o weee can't wait to hear what you got in store.
Namaste :)
Great job everyone! :D
Can't wait for the next one.
Ayy me too buddy I freakin love your last one. Can't wait to see your next one. Thanks again for your time and attention bud.
damn chief. i'm not even kidding, this is epic. what an amazing opportunity you're giving people. you're an amazing soul, so glad to know you.
Awh shucks thanks bethie you the best that really means the world to me. #TeamEpic o weeeeeeee :)
Congratulations to the winners and to every participant. I hope to see you all with new beats for week two! Let´s spread the voice with our fellow producers and steempals so we have a bigger audience next time!
Ayyy heck yeah my brother. Teamwork makes the dream work lets get it :)
You got my vote and a resteem :)
Ayyy I appreciate you :)
Upvote & follow You :)
Greetings from Poland @deazydee -> follow me
Ayy thank you appreciate your time and attention :)
Congratulations to all the winners, and the participants too. Keep up the good work guys
Appreciate your time and attention buddy thanks again :)