Bot Thoughts: Caregiver Bot
In this series, I will explore the various ideas I've had for developing Twitter bots.
My first idea is a big one: A conversation bot that will act as a caregiver/dominant for any little/submissive that follows and messages it.
This could eventually serve as a gateway to my finally researching machine learning and/or AI to be used in later versions of this bot.
As for this particular version of the bot, the message functionality will include:
- Generation of self-care prompts at random
- Personalized greetings with pet names
- Suicide Hotline referral message in response to keyword matching of certain phrases
- Daily reminders of tasks set by the user
- Custom rewards for task completion
Obviously, this will need to be taken one step at a time, so I'll start with the self-care prompts and personalized greetings. Suicide hotline referral message will be built once the core functionality is ready for launch. Daily reminders for task completion and subsiquent rewards will have to come later, since it will require the storing of user-data in a larger capacity than just assigning a single pet name variable to the user in question.
Not sure when I'll actually end up getting started on this in any real depth, but I feel like this is a good first step as I always have trouble articulating what I want my software to do.
Some of the learning I'll need to review for this project will include:
- File manipulation
- Python automation
- User-data storage principles for safe storage/use
More to come on the next post, but that's all for now, folks!