Focus and then, visualize...
"Do not focus on the issue or problem, focus on the solution, and the outcome that you want. Then visualize that."– Jack Canfield.

In life, the focus is usually on the problems that abound and that there is, man's shortcoming. When the view is on the problem rather than the solution, the story never gets told.
When you focus on the problem, you will miss the chance to see clearly because, your vision will enclosed with the scenery associated with problems.
Do not focus on the problem, focus on the ideas that will give you the an idea to getting the solution up to stand against them
You cannot be more than you visualize yourself to be. If the world is screaming at you to win and you choose to loose, you will most definitely not win but loose over and over again.
Put focus on what you want and never settle for the fear that creeps in. if you cannot see the solution to the issues that ails you, you most definitely will not be able to get near your point of win.
…focus on the solution, and the outcome that you want from life and then, visualize that.