BitCashpay Airdrop for all
Hello guys welcome back again,for today I want to share with you this exciting project made from BitCashPay.
They give reward to all early birds.They are ready to give a gift worth of $350,000 worth of BCP tokens in airdrop, affiliate commission and purchase bonuses.
Don't miss this one or you will regret.Dont join the team with just (HOPE ALL) but be an early birds to catch this opportunity to have this great BitCashPay token to be hold!
Participation in there presale will also provide investors with a 50% bonus in BCP tokens with a minimum purchase of 0.5 eth. There will only be 30M BCP tokens to be sold during the presale period.During the presale 1 eth = 10,000 BCP 5,000 . unsold token automatically will burn
Earn each referral on the first level will give you 10% or 20 BCP. Second level invite referrals will guarantee you 5% or 10 BCP. This is unlimited so grab as much as you can.
Want to know how to participate?
Just follow the steps below and don't forget to join there all social media accounts for more information and updates..
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#BCP #Bitcashpay #Ethereum #Crypto