Surprising Ways BBQ Concession Trailers Help Churches and Non-Profits

in #bbq7 years ago (edited)

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Churches and non-profits have been feeding those in need for decades. The only difference is where and how they do it today. Concession trailers and food trucks have become more and more popular, thus making it easier to serve those in need.

Many churches and non-profits are finding that BBQ concession trailers are assisting them with their missions and outreach. The Red Cross and Operational Blessings International are just two humanitarian non-profits who use mobile concession trucks in their disaster relief efforts, usually being the first into areas to assist and serve the now homeless and near-homeless residents.

Churches, too, are finding that concession trailers and food trucks help them reach and serve the poor and homeless much easier than having those individuals to travel to them. A Methodist associate minister in Texas takes hot meals to shelters twice a month. The volunteers eat with the people, developing relationships. Afterward, they have a prayer service. Many times people stay only for the meal, but many join in prayer after a time. Another church collects food items, similar to a food pantry, and distributes these along with the hot meals to those in need.

These churches may average anywhere from 80 to 750 meals served each week. Disaster relief non-profits have served over 10,000 meals during a single disaster. Monies to underwrite these missions come from various sources, including the churches themselves, small grants, community and corporate donations, and fundraising efforts.

Churches find that the mobile concession efforts bring church members together, getting them involved in the food prep process, cooking and distributing the food, and participating in the fundraisers. These volunteers also develop relationships with people they might otherwise never meet. They have a chance to show those in despair that someone really cares about them, while offering a chance for the needy to participate in a prayer service, alleviating the physical, emotionally and spiritual hunger if only for a couple of hours.
Some other non-profits successfully using concession trailers or trucks for their outreach programs are:

• The Prayer Hut
• Food Bank in Oklahoma
• Pineywoods Baptist Encampment in Texas
• RWH Foundation
• AMIKids, Inc.
• Bill Rice Ranch’s West Branch ministry in Northern Arizona
• Journey Church in Oklahoma
• Gateway Church in Arizona

Why a BBQ Concession Trailer?

A BBQ concession trailer or BBQ smoker trailer can be one of the easiest for churches and non-profits to do well. Most people have their favorite BBQ recipes they make at home, and there are an abundance of quick, easy and tasty BBQ recipes to find on the Internet. Most recipes do not require a culinary chef to prepare. And the food is delicious and filling.
With BBQ, the menus can be kept short and easy, such as a BBQ meat that may be finger food or sandwiches for easy eating. Just add some coleslaw and fries, and you are serving a filling, hot meal in little time with minimal effort.
If serving mostly a neighborhood of people with religious dietary restrictions, BBQ offers alternatives between pork, beef or chicken. The preparation equipment remains the same – your BBQ concession trailer setup accommodates all three meats. BBQ is the perfect street food, and people of all ages love it!
BBQ concession trailers can be customized to your needs, as well, with a professional design for the exterior that lets people know you have arrived.

Concession Nation ( Your one stop company for all your mobile concession needs with worldwide delivery. We also run a blog that highlights needed information regarding food truck and concession trailer businesses.


Washington Post. “For some churches, food trucks are a vehicle for serving the poor.” Accessed December 7, 2017.
PBS News Hour. “Food truck church brings faith and calzones to those in need.” Accessed December 7, 2017.
The Episcopal Church. “Church without walls uses food truck to drive home Christian mission of feeding body, soul.” Accessed December 7, 2017.

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