Are Hindus oppressed in Bangladesh
Are Hindus oppressed in Bangladesh? Hindus are oppressed in Bangladesh. This is the Indian statement. The left, secular and conscious activists of Bangladesh intellectually support this Indian position. India does not see Bangladesh as a modern republic but thinks of it as a divided state. The state is inhabited by Hindus and Muslims instead of citizens and the majority Muslims are chopping Hindus out of the country. This statement benefits Hindutva politics. Due to the fascist character of the state of Bangladesh, all the citizens of this state are equally oppressed and persecuted - this fact can also be hidden. The fact that people of political thought outside the government cannot go to their own Vita is sometimes hidden. The fact that the majority Muslim community has suffered so much in kidnappings, abductions, crossfire, prisons and shootings, that so much blood has been shed, lives have been hidden.
The information they present in support of this Indian argument is in Bangladesh. The Hindu population is declining, they are leaving the country. But the number of major and Buddhist communities is increasing in Bangladesh. Even in the last census, the Buddhist population has almost doubled compared to the Muslims. If religious persecution were the only reason for the decline, then there was no reason for the Buddhist and Christian populations to increase. The reason is somewhere else. Calcutta's caste - Hindus did not want to be with Muslims in 1947. Did not want to share power with them. So Bengal was divided due to the stubbornness of the Hindus even though the Muslims did not want it. Hindus will no longer be citizens of the same country as Muslims, so they have been emigrating ever since. It is a communally conscious decision. But they want to put the blame on the Muslims of Bangladesh. Bengali Muslims have no responsibility here. Hinduism in India claims the state of India as the fatherland and holy land of the Hindus. So this state keeps in mind the possibility of an alternative citizenship in the minds of the minority Hindus living in the non-Indian state. They subconsciously think of the Indian state as their political agent. The state of India began to attract them with an intense religious zeal through Hindutva. Similarly Sri Lankan Tamils have a tendency to migrate to India. Hindus do not migrate to India from Nepal. Because, they are the majority in their state. The new era will begin in Bangladesh from the day when the idea of 'We will live in harmony with the Muslims in Bangladesh' begins in the Hindu community. Playing the Indian record of Hindu persecution will not be able to bring any change in the situation in Bangladesh. The sooner the left, secular and conscious people understand this, the better for the Hindus.