Knightfall Pt 7: Batman 495

in #batman6 years ago


Writer: Doug Moench - Penciller: Jim Aparo - Inker: Bob Wiacek

Crashing through the incendiary planks of wood. In order to save himself, he has to let The Firefly free from his grasp. As he takes off though Batman shoots his grappling hook to Firefly's ankle pulling him out of the flames.

Batman can't hold on though and lets The Firefly escape.


Bruce isn't home for long before Alfred is reminding him of his public life. He doesn't want Bruce out there in his condition but people are going to wonder. A big Wayne Foundation charity is happening and He needs to be there. Bruce only has one thing on his mind...


We get a peek at a mysterious woman dressed in long purple with her chicken pox covered, diaper wearing men. Meanwhile, Bird is checking out the big charity event. Thinks Bane should show up. There's this guy acting like Batman but it's not Batman. Bane interrupts him "Who's the genius here? Me. Bane is the genius. And you just described Batman. Who I studied well. I'm coming."

Back in the Mayor Krol's bedroom, Scarecrow and Joker enjoy a snack in between all the phone calls they're making the mayor place...


The Joker knows exactly who to call next! Well, it's the GCPD and he has a lead on where the Joker might be! HAHAHAHA!!!

Bane spots HIM, while Commissioner Gordon is hearing they have the location on the kidnapped mayor.

Lucious Fox grabs Bruce to mention how he's neglecting Wayne Enterprise affairs to the point... to the point... Bruce starts to get dizzy, but not from his recent nightly workouts. It's something in the air...


Dr. Tompkins begins mumbling when another woman appears on stage. The one who was wearing purple has now revealed herself as Poison Ivy! She must have switched the plants. Everyone has turned into "zombies." Bruce plays along before making any moves as Ivy orders men out the back to a truck and the woman well they could stay.


Bird is ordered to follow the van. Bane knows HE'S faking.

The police close in on Mayor Krol's location.

Poison Ivy's van arrives at her old home Neo Garden. As the men file out the van and seeing how the GCPD was a little busy, Ivy is happy to take her time giving each man a reward for good behavior...


"Batman is too late," Ivy says. "maybe not for these wealthy men, but for my DEAD FELLOWS!" That's when 5 beefy guys all infected under Poison Ivy's spell. He can't waste any time with them. As Ivy is about to pucker up to Lucious, Batman throws one of the henchmen into his long-time friend. He's exerting too much energy and getting exhausted before he starts. Unable to keep this going he makes one final push.


Batman does his best to stay on two feet. When he finds out that these Dead Fellows can't come back from Ivy's kiss she tells him isn't time he gave up to? And like King Leonidas to the Persian messenger, Batman boots her right in the face! Then calls for an ambulance and gas masks.

Back in an amusement park, the SWAT Team is ordered into an abandoned funhouse after hearing the mayor scream...



Joker and Scarecrow are pretty happy about that phone call! HAHAHAHA!!

Bane is watching closely because this time... it's Bane's turn.


Bruce's friends are beginning to question his absences. He's not able to recoup like before and that's what Bane wants. He's doing a damn good job sitting back though. Kinda unfair to kick a guy when he's down but Gotham's criminals fight dirty. There's a mysterious figure out there now. Batman could use all the help he can get now. Especially when they're walking into traps like lemmings. It's almost time for Bane to bring the hammer!

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