America Is Unprepared For The Coming Jobs Apocalypse

in #basicincome6 years ago

Will this bring about a different conversation by the leadership in the United States?

This is a topic we feel is something that is being ignored to the detriment of those most at risk.

In fact, automation could destroy as many as 73 million U.S. low skilled, low wage laborers by 2030, a recent report by McKinsey Global Institute stated.

Harris started the conference by telling John Mauldin, who hosted the conference, “the combination of a demographically shrinking workforce plus increasingly cost-effective automation will aggravate inequality, constrain demand, and put a cap on economic growth.”

There is potentially a seismic shift that is going to take place that will affect the labor market completely. We view any delay in this discussion as devastating to those who are most in need.

The last week saw an increase in the number of articles starting to cover this topic.

We keep highlighting this issue because it tends to lead into the UBI discussion. Both topics, along with human rights, are linked together. What is going to happen if these forecasts are correct and tens of millions of people are out of work in a decade?

Our goal is to make sure that manna is part of the solution to the problems people are going to be facing.

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We all expect cryptocurrency to address the global economic problems of the people. Not only in the United States, but for the entire world community. The problem of employment difficulties, those of us living in corrupt countries like Indonesia, have felt since the country became independent from the Dutch colony, but the people got nothing from that independence, the government ignored its people. Hope Manna can answer and give solution of economic problem, and explore local exchange market, many millenial society active as crypto trader especially, hope we got positive value from presence of Manna.

I believe a lot of lower end workers could really get hammered in the next decade.

Most people I know barely know anything about crypto. They pretty well know only what I’ve told them about it. Pretty scary.

this is so overstated.
Technology always creates more jobs than it replaces.

This issue in America is not jobs but education. The current education system is designed to create workers for the current crop of large corporations.

People need to avoid this trap and create skills that are needed in there communities.

UBI is a socialist dream.

If you want UBI go to your parents, grandparents and ask them why they did not save and invest money so you could have UBI off of the interest.

If you want UBI for yourself and your children, than start saving and investing. Crypto is good for this, but don't blame technology and advancements for needing it.

There are a couple differing opinions going on that you bring up. What metric and technology do you reference that it always creates more jobs then it replaces?

I one hundred percent agree that it is an educational issue, we have kids coming out of college with massive amounts of debt with a BA or masters still waiting tables. Our current economic theory puts to much risk on these 18-20 year olds on knowing exactly what they want to do with their lives as far as a career.

UBI as a socialist dream is an obsolete statement, UBI is not a political argument or debate.

Thats the beauty of this technology it can empower all of humanity just because they are alive, people have value. No blaming is going on here, just possible solutions. Oo and its participatory so no one is forced, they can join the network now or in 10 years, the train is moving with or without you.

Automation is the one in town now, even before 2030 so we should be prepared and find solution to the future problems as at now

This graph is kind of terrible:

But if I'm reading it right, are they actually saying that truck drivers are only at "low" risk from automation? That doesn't make sense... autonomous vehicles are way closer to mass implementation right now than burger-flipping robots.

you underestimate truck drivers and the difficulty of the job.

Even if the technology existed today, regulation means that it will be years before it is fully implemented.

The chart focuses upon "immediate" which could mean in the next couple years.

Sure, regulation is going to slow that process down. But regulation in that industry is only so heavily discussed right now because the basic technology exists in a vaguely usable state right now, and could feasibly be used to some extent more or less immediately in the absence of regulation.

Whereas burger-flipping robots are so far out from a usable implementation right now that no one's even seriously pondering what regulations might apply to them in the future. Once burger-flipping robot technology ends up in a usable state, I guarantee you there'll be just as much talk of regulation slowing down its adoption as well. Same with "Cleaners"... I'm pretty sure cleaning robots any more advanced than a Roomba still only exist in video games.

Now, are they considering "Cooks and servers" to include fast food counter cashiers? Because that's certainly one task where humans are indeed competing with "robots" as we speak, with all the fast food chains adding customer-facing ordering terminals now. (Not that there's anything particularly "robotic" about a program that lets you push buttons and records your choices...)

Time will tell. The people that ignore the situation will be worst off.

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