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RE: Universal Basic Income is our future, at least according to Mark Zuckerberg

in #basicincome7 years ago

There is no "imminent market issue". Since the industrial revolution more and more jobs were created and life became better as technology progressed.

I don't know why so many people believe that automation will create problems? Do you guys watch too many sci-fi movies?

Ofcource this is not different than past times. It's not like we have developed A.I robots that can do our jobs either. I don't know where all this hype is coming from really.

Provided that this time is different, what do you really think will happen if there isn't a solution like a UBI? I can tell you what will happen, absolute riots and caos - that's what.

Why is it that every-time no free shit is given people will riot? Riots and chaos don't happen in capitalist societies. hey happen in socialist places like Venezuela where you get your free line.

seriously guys. think about it a bit more. and try not to interpret sci-fi scenarios and Hollywood movies in the wrong way. Also look around you and try to imagine how far we are from your so called "coming automation".


I hate sci-fi. I also do NOT think life will be worse with automation. To the contrary, I think it will be great. The entire purpose of innovation is to make people's lives easier. It's not so far fetched to think that we can achieve a point in time where we reach a general equilibrium or even an excess of energy, the main driving force of economies.

I'm glad that you're taking a patronizing standpoint though instead of backing up your assertions with rational thought.

Oh also, provided that you're wrong and automation does have a significant impact on the job market, such that there isn't enough jobs for people to work, there will be riots, b/c the haves and have-nots will be further polarized. But you seem so confident in your assumptions.

I don't see the reason for basic income and even if I do there is no way you can pull this off without inflation. There is no such thing as free money. If value is just given away, it will accumulate in the economy and living costs will climb up. a new base will be created. So why are we still talking about this?

It's not so far fetched to think that we can achieve a point in time where we reach a general equilibrium or even an excess of energy, the main driving force of economies.

It is far fetched because everything around you, including the very universe itself is based on inequality and different dynamics. If things come into an equilibrium, aka value being spread equally across all things then everything collapses. When everything has the same value then nothing has value.

I'm glad that you're taking a patronizing standpoint though instead of backing up your assertions with rational thought.

I did back them up twice. You make vague unfounded assumptions and you got served accordingly. no harsh feelings.

Inflation is created by pumping more money into the economy. I don't think a UBI is achieved by printing more money.

The universe is limited, and there will be limits. However, I do think we can extract more than enough power resources from renewables to sustain human requirements. There will be other limitations, like food and water, etc. That's something that will continue human intervention and continue to create inequality. I don't see any way around this at the moment, unless the human population declines.

We can just disagree, that's fine. I'm not looking at this as rainbows and unicorns in some kind of perfect fairy tale land. I'm simply saying that there won't be enough jobs for the majority of people, there won't be the need. Will they find other purposes and create value in the world - yes. But, it won't come in the form of a paycheck from a company, because companies will be able to optimize their operations to the point where these people aren't needed.

Can you tell me what these people are going to do when they're not working in factories or driving vehicles for logistics? I'm really curious.


I'm not sure on which side of the UBI argument I fall on, but I did want to question one part of your response kyriacos- I understand there is no such thing as free money but doesn't the government already give out free money to some folk in the form of food stamps, medicare, medicaid, housing vouchers, etc..?

free money to some folk in the form of food stamps, medicare, medicaid, housing vouchers, etc..?

they get those from taxes. With the UBI even a CEO that earns 500k a year will get the same stipend as someone who is living in the streets.

So if everyone is getting the same money, then no one is getting any money. Come on guys. Is not THAT hard. logic 101

This might give you an idea of where the other side's coming from.

Waw ...awesome video
I totally agree

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