Money is a tool for civilisation. We should all own a right to its production.

in #basicincome8 years ago

The invention of money is a hugely important tool for making us humans civilised.
It's very clever how it allows us to store our labour and swap our labour for other peoples labour.
The invisible hand of the free market allows us to understand supply and demand much more easily.
This incredible tool is often used against us by smarter market participants but it can be argued that these smarter market participants are just forecasting supply and demand better than the rest of the market and are therefore doing a good thing by realigning prices for us.

This is mostly true but it is not true that they are smarter if the simply have access to money production.

By access to money production I mean 2 things both seigniorage and issuance of bank credit.

This privilege and advantage needs to be distributed equally amongst all of us not just concentrated in the hands of a few central bankers and private bankers.

Central bankers, economists or politicians sometimes decide more money should be added to the economy as they did when QE happened.

This money should go to all of us equally. It is the only fair way to increase the money supply.
I believe the simplest most fair way to distribute it is with a unconditional basic income.


When you said, "This money should go to all of us equally". Do you mean that if the government add money on the market, the money will be shared among of all the population of that country?