Barteos – Beyond Crypto
Barteos intends to tackle the prevailing issues in the cryptosphere and explore its technical specifications. This article will provide an insight into the Barteos Token (BTE).
Barteos is a promising new digital cash system as put forth by Satoshi a decade ago, honed to perfection by the Barteos development team. Satoshi’s vision was to put the power back into the hands of the people, and this has led to the refinement of the “Internet of Money”.
Barteos signals the end of an era, and the start of a new one, where crypto will be a central part of the economy – one that empowers the masses at large, not just the technologically savvy. This is the culmination of crypto’s meteoric rise to popularity in 2016 - 2017, their crypto gained international recognition as a useable digital cash system; three years later, Barteos actualizes Satoshi’s vision by signifying the start of the Internet of Money 2.0.
While crypto and decentralized control might be the innovations of Satoshi, ‘digital currency’ has been around for a long while, in the form of the various barter currencies that are utilized by the plethora of trade merchants all over the world. Barteos intends to unite these historical users of digital currencies with the millions of Bitcoin and Ethereum users all over the world, effectively bridging two industries and audiences from vastly different eras, united by a common purpose.
In contrast to the profit-driven barter business, Barteos is community-based and ownerless. They are, however, united in the fact that they are two radically different industries basically carrying out the exact same tasks. Barteos awoke to this reality in 2018. Research indicated that the traders conducting trade with the plethora of barter currencies would love an alternative option to fiat. 365 days’ worth of experience provided the Barteos administration with the frame of mind to offer utility to these barter firms in a way that would make sense both for crypto and fiat.
Uniting these two diverse markets is the underlying philosophy. The vision and mission is to develop an online marketplace by mid-2020 that enables barter traders to come together with themselves and even with crypto traders for the exchange of goods, utilities, and services.
With the era of speculation ending, privacy concerns are widespread. Facebook’s Libra for example, openly intends to collect user data at a private level. The framework followed by Barteos, on the other hand, is community-driven, and country independent – any and all data collection are merely synonymous with state compliance.
The Barteos BE wallet has no rights over anybody’s data. It is handled by a completely not-for-profit organization whose sole mission is the development of the community, not data collection for profit.
The Barteos vision of co-existence with existing frameworks, community-driven, non-intrusive, and compliant is where the future of crypto lies. Satoshi’s vision for crypto is at long last, close to being a reality. Barteos is the everyday crypto for the everyman.