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RE: I posted a video that mentions an activist, in an email I told him "fuck you" 3 times. I want to apologize-A Life Series by Barry Cooper-Humanitarian/NeverGetBusted

Hi @barrycooper, I just wanted to say I have finally spent the time and read all of your life series articles, which I've been meaning to do for some time now. Really great work, I enjoy reading your story very much, I hope you post more of it here :) As for the freeman defense, to be bluntly honest, looking from the other side I feel like if someone made a video stating that the way I go about things is "crazy" I would probably get offended, and maybe over react, not realizing it wasn't really meant to be the way it might be taken. I do think you are right however. I've watched and read a lot of info about the freeman defense and despite whatever legalities may be backing it up, the reality is that many judges have the ability to get you thrown in prison, despite the legality or morality of it, and they will do that if you give them a reason. Whether the freeman thing is real or not I am not sure, but it's obscure and misunderstood enough that any judge could simply cast it aside as conspiracy theory, and that would never be questioned, and that would probably land you in prison. I think you are right to tell folks to be cautious about it.


Thanks for you analysis was fair and I can tell you are coming from a good place. You are right about the "crazy" in the title. I should have used another term. I'm going to do eventually do some re editing or a follow up video to explain some things I've learned through this. In the video, I'm going to give Mr. Stevens even more credit than in my first. Peace and thanks for reading all my stories. Really! I appreciate it.

You might want to note that Marc Stevens' suggested defenses are not "freemens' defenses," as you incorrectly imply here, and as Barry Cooper incorrectly stated and implied. The very fact that you are just believing what Barry initially said without any investigation of your own is exactly why Stevens responded the way he did.

Additionally, you're right that calling Stevens' work "crazy" is also an ad hominem that's unlikely to ever lead to constructive "collaboration." That Barry then defends your comment here could be taken as implying that Barry still thinks Stevens' work amounts to a "freeman" defense (which it is not).

To ever be taken at one's word, one must first stop mischaracterizing one's opponents' beliefs. Until that clearly happens, it won't surprise me if Stevens avoids Barry and takes an adversarial approach to responding to him.

It saddens me to say this, because I think they both have legitimate things to offer the freedom movement, and to specific defendants trying to avoid unjust punishment.

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