
TV channels need licences from the government, which is a massive violation of free speech and why they're just as corrupt as the government

Bucket list item: have a book or published material on any kind of "banned" list. Steemit obviously is incredibly intimate in this sense that I feel like you just told me this story and now I'm writing you a response, but if what you created was SO GOOD that they're banning it? Well done, good sir. Well done. Upvoted and followed! Much respect for what you do.

Edit: Additionally, we need all the champions opposing censorship now more than ever. Thank you for standing up.

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Censorship does exist here. A subtle approach. It seems we vote on it. Though some can be slightly trigger happy, my personal experience has been fair, so far.

Abuse of this subtle approach does cause a few people problems or at least could, at some point.

As someone who speaks freely, I suggest everyone be considerate with their voting rights. Abuse of Steemit should be at the top of the list when choosing to censor. A difference of opinion, preferred information or entertainment should remain at the very bottom of this list, in this honest man's opinion.

Life without the censor opens many avenues, for many walks of life. Here, we can run.

Not long after writing this comment, a censorship robot attacked my blog. It applied 11 flags within a matter of seconds to one of my articles. I feel a bit out of place mentioning this here. I'm not promoting anything or trying to make a quick buck. This could get out of control if we're not all informed.

I spoke out about this instance of censorship immediately. I wrote two quick, poorly thought out articles in an attempt to drum up support and find answers. Many people came to the rescue and did everything they could to negate the effects this bot imposed on my reputation. I've since gained one reputation point, assisted by the community of Steemit. The real community.

I only write this here to inform everyone of the events that took place. It's not a big deal for someone like me, it was only a few flags, everyone helped. My stuff is still censored though. It looks like crap on my blog. The art contained within was not offensive. I spend my time here attempting to entertain. If the entertainers get censored, what happens to the activists in the future if someone feels like disagreeing with their form of information.

Thank you to everyone who helped and thank you @barrycooper for the impeccable timing of your article. I could not have planned all of this even if I tried.

Some people just don't understand the versatility of the word fuck. Flagging should be the communities means to stop plagiarism and illegal materials from gaining traction on the site. Its not a disagree or "I don't like this button" and I am not certain why people use it like it is.

This, I can only agree with. It's there to flag abuse, it's not there to abuse.

There are many other options. Speak to the person, maybe try to level with them. Ignore it, move on. Mute button for instances of constant annoyance. I usually do it in that order. We're not obligated to be nice. Being reasonable should be enough.

Indeed, this is a social media platform. Some people are going to make things you like, and some will make things you hate. Ignore what you don't like and focus on what you do. It's not hard to treat others with a modicum of respect and let them do their thing so long as its not abusive. Keep on keepin' on man and have a good night.

I upvoted your article. I am a fan of "that word" so I thought it was funny. Yes, you should be able to entertain without being censored.

I thank you for your "fucking" support.

dont let the buggers grind you down - keep going content is always great to read :)

Thanks for writing this! People like you are great early adopters for Steemit!

We should try to get more users onboard who are censored or shadowbanned in other platforms.

Facebook, Twitter and all that crap are private sites. Of course they sensor everything that harms their image (although they somehow refuse to remove most ISIS accounts to this day). All you can do is publish your own content without relying on any other platforms, kinda how political activists published their literature even in the gulags. Steemit is great for now, we don't know what will happen in the future. Either way, I've seen a lot more former or even current government/law enforcement insiders speaking out against it, mostly on LinkedIn (go figure) and their own sites.

@saiku "speaking out against it." Against what? Steemit? And thanks for commenting here. I'm learning more from my comment strings than I am from browsing

No, against the government and former employers. Sorry if I wasn't clear, it's quite challenging to be coherent while holding a screaming kid.

hahaha. You're doing fantastic under your circumstances. Lol. My love to the kiddo.

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