Help My Family Are Victims of Evil Banksters and Loan Sharks; pluss bad attorneys

in #banksterrs7 years ago (edited)

The story you are reading is about how banksters, attorneys, and loan sharks have ruin our family forever; my mom and dad (pictured below), whose devoted and beautiful marriage of 41 years was tragically cut short by my mom’s passing in 2013. Factors that contributed to her death are now affecting my dad, and I am writing this page because I left home and work and everything in an attempt to save him from the same fate….

Figure 1: My parents 15 Years ago....

My mom had advanced Osteoporosis, and suffered sudden vertebral collapse—one day she was healthy and fine, the next, she was bedridden and in agony. I had to drop everything to go and care for her, as my father was disabled, and my sister had a toddler to care for. My mom could not sit, let alone stand or walk, for any length of time; even small movements in bed caused her to be in excruciating pain.

I tried to take her out of the house in an ambulance to get some studies done, but she was in so much pain, she was shaking, and could not be moved without great suffering (we live on the third floor with very steep stairs), so I had to ask doctors to come to her. She was seen by two specialists, and they prescribed physical therapy to try to restore her strength. We had a physical therapist coming every day, and she seemed to be making progress. It was costing me $200 dollars a day between meds and physical therapy, so after arranging for further care (at further cost), I traveled back home to the US to try and make some money, and perhaps obtain a loan.

Shortly after I left Mexico, I got a terrifying phone call from my cousin telling me that my mom had been brought to an IMSS Hospital, which is for the less fortunate. Not long after I left, my mom was given an opioid for pain by the doctor, and shortly after she took it, my father found her non-responsive; he panicked and called an ambulance. He had no money, so the IMSS Hospital was the only one he could think of, and the only option he had (even though my mom said many times whenever we passed it that people only went there to die, that it was not a place to recover in at all…and that if she ever ended up there, she would surely die…).

When she arrived at the hospital, she was beginning to wake up, but the doctors, student interns, and nurses there didn't want to deal with a responsive patient, so they sedated her. They sedated her, even though they had been told that my mom was allergic to the medication they were going to use (it was a derivative of one she was allergic to, but the intern either did not know that—or just ignored the information we gave him), and, of course, she instantly had a reaction, going into anaphylactic shock, which caused her to swell, so they had to put in a breathing tube, or she would have died immediately….

Meanwhile, I was travelling back to Mexico as fast as I could. When I got to the hospital, I had to show my ID/passport at the door, which was supposed to be an automatic one, but which was being held closed by an iron bar twisted through the handles to keep it shut, so the people lined up on the emergency ramp could not walk in. The elderly, women, children, and others who were ill, were lying, sitting, or standing on the ramp, in the blazing sun (or pouring rain), all the way to the street and along the sidewalk, in obvious distress, but were kept from entering for care by that iron bar, and diligent, uniformed guard, with the Uzi hanging from his belt….

After the guard had checked me over (and accepted the bribe of money I gave him to admit me—a requirement each time I presented to the hospital), I was let in to the waiting area [which, as I soon learned was not for patients waiting to be admitted—they were lined up along the emergency ramp—but was for families who were kept there, waiting until called as if at a deli counter, to see their sick relation]. There I was informed that the doctors had strict hours when they met with patient’s relatives, and I waited for almost a whole day to find out any information on my mom’s condition. When the doctors met with me, they told me they didn’t want to wake her up because she would fight the breathing machine, and as she was so swollen, she wouldn’t be able to breath on her own, which made sense at that time.

I had only managed to secure $20k for my mom’s care when I went home, and when I began asking around to try and find a better hospital, I learned that was just not enough. A good hospital wanted $40k—as a deposit—with daily costs of $2-5k expected for her care. We just didn’t have that kind of money.

So I had to sleep in a chair in the waiting room, as someone was required to stay there 24/7 (and my dad was too ill himself to sleep like that); I didn't have any other recourse. I was exhausted, worried I wouldn’t make the right choices for her, and trying to figure out something better to do to help; I never expected any of the horrors my mom would be subjected to.

After four days, on my birthday, they moved her to a shared room to see if she would last the night; she did because she really had been getting strong through her physical therapy…. I am grateful that I was able to spend my birthday with my mom for the last time, even if it shocked me to no end; I was sleeping in a chair next to her, and when I woke up to check on her, I found a cockroach making its way up her bed, and removed it. I also remember that night that she was kind of blue, and that they could not check her blood oxygen level because they didn't have the machine, and the doctor who had a portable one (costing $20 dollars), had left for the night.

mano inchada.JPG
Figure 2: Holding my mom's hand for one of the last times....
I wanted to get her out of there so badly, as I figured if the bathrooms for the public were any indication of what was going on behind closed doors where they had my mom, then her care was in dire straits. When I had to use the bathroom, and went in, I saw blood spattered, and excrement smeared all over the walls of one of the stalls; I felt like I was in some kind of horror film. There was no toilet paper or soap inside; brown paper towels were available outside the bathroom in a dispenser (if it had been filled by staff), so if you forgot and went in without them, you were out of luck (and, likely explained the excrement smeared on the walls). Only one of the stalls had a toilet with a seat that had only what I took to be urine on it; the other toilet was covered in blood, urine, and excrement…thirty six hours later, that bathroom still had not been cleaned up….

That hospital was despicable! My mom's arm had a large fissure where inexperienced personnel continuously tried to take blood samples. More than once after she had been bathed, they left a window and door open, so a cross breeze ran right over her, and when I touched her, her skin was like ice. They only had her covered with a thin sheet, and each time I begged them to put a blanket on her. They said they did not want her temperature to rise, but she was like ice….

Another problem was with the three shifts of doctors, as no one followed anyone else's diagnoses through; one doctor would tell me one thing, while another would tell me something entirely different; I never heard the same diagnoses consecutively throughout her care, let alone from shift to shift. On top of it, the people there were mean to the extreme, as they were used to having indigent people they could easily mistreat; so, whenever I questioned them and their “care,” they would speak down to me and my dad, with little regard for what we had to say or what we were asking….

Only four days after my birthday, they transferred my mom to intensive care, where she died.

Had I the money, would my mom have lived? I am haunted to this day….

Now as I said, I am doing this page to save my 72 year-old-dad from a similar fate; his name is Jose; he is a wonderful human being; the picture below was taken on his birthday this February 3rd, 2017. My mom passed away in 2013; as you read, many things contributed to her death, but basically the same problem killing my father now, killed her.

Figure 3: My dad is very pensive since my mom's passing, and he does not look happy even on his birthday....
My parents lived in fear for 23 years, constantly dreading they would be forced out of their house by a debt collector/loan shark. My father is stressed to the max; he is extremely depressed, has a heart condition (he’s had two heart attacks), and badly managed diabetes (with 400+ glucose readings, he's lost feeling in his fingers, and even with his glasses on, he can barely see). My dad is at the end of the line and he needs your help. This is an emergency.

I have tried to help my parents so many ways through the years; currently, I've been working from 80 to 110 hours a week driving for Uber, Lyft, and Fasten; I sleep in the car and wake up to people's calls, never taking a holiday, and many times not coming home for days. But the average per hour for the amount of time I put in, is $14 dollars—and then taxes and expenses such as gas, maintenance, car insurance, cell phone bill, etc. are subtracted from that. It is not enough. Unfortunately money is not all we need; I have to be physically and mentally involved to work out a solution to successfully help him. He does not have another place to live (he does not want to leave Mexico, the place of his birth, and now the site of his wife’s grave), even though I am here in the US. I keep borrowing money, and putting expenses on my credit cards to help, but I have reached the limit of what I can do. I need help to pay off the debt collector/loan shark in court, or to hire a good (non-corrupt) attorney, or to help my dad obtain some remuneration if his house is taken from him.

The problem he has:
He had a business named Editorial Acuario S.A. that published educational material for students age six to fifteen. In 1990, he obtained a loan against the house for $104,167 dollars from a Mexican bank called Bancomer; he used the money to buy paper, ink, and pay his workforce to manufacture merchandise. You can see what he used to sell here:

When my dad tried to make the final payment of what they owed on the house with a certified check, the bank, Bancomer, would not accept the payment, and this is what happened:

  1. First, my dad went to the regular branch where he banked and offered a certified check made out to Bancomer for the amount owed ($104,167 dollars) plus another $64.10 dollars (for interest); but they said “no,” refusing his payment.
  2. Second, the regular branch manager asked him to travel to the main corporate branch to present his payment there. My dad did, but they would not take his payment either. Instead, they asked him to go up to the legal department (there, at the main corporate branch), and offer the payment, which he then did, but again, his payment was refused.
  3. Third, they asked him to go to an external law firm, which of course, he did. The external law-firm’s attorney was named Flores (nickname: loan shark); he took the check, looked at it and said: "we are not interested in your money,” [as he slid the check over his desk back to my dad's hands, and continued saying], “we are after your property as it is worth more." So my dad asked: “you are not going to take the money?” The loan shark replied: "we have all the paperwork ready, we are going to sue you."

After that, my dad described how helpless he felt, as he had tried to pay his debt—many times, to many different people at Bancomer, but in all instances he had been refused, until he was finally in front of an external “attorney,” who point-blank told him they didn’t want his payment, they wanted his property! [Of course they did, our "house" is really a 3-floor warehouse; the loan shark wants to be able to develop it and line his own pocket. But this warehouse holds my parent’s remaining merchandise and equipment, and we live on the top floor; however, if anyone should benefit from this property, it should be my dad who has fought for 26 years to win back something that should never have been taken from him to begin with…our home]!

Once home he talked to my mother and together they wrote some letters describing what had happened and took the letters to their Bancomer branch’s bank manager and legal department. Later on, they talked to an attorney they got out of the yellow pages called Llopiz (nickname: semi-attorney) who said: "don't worry, we are going to win this case." This lawyer turned out to hold a power of attorney from Bancomer, which is the same bank the loan shark worked for and they knew each other. Clearly they were doing something illegal, but at that time we didn't know it. The semi-attorney took our money and lost our case two years after. He gave my parents bad advice and told us to leave our house, saying we were going to be evicted, so we left for another home. Two more years went by, with interest piling up, and the house was not yet offered in auction, because, we later figured out, the loan shark wanted to wait until the interest was higher than the property and charge us for it afterwards.

We sought out new legal advice, and the new attorney told us to go back to the house and fight for it, and we've being fighting them in court ever since, finding out the truth little by little.

One of the things we discovered is that the bank did not accept our payment because the account was no longer in the bank. It turns out that Flores (the loan shark) was a former Bancomer employee, and took our account out of the bank to start his own operation. After some time, he sold the account to a self-created company named LL-Inverciones. We assumed he did this to ensure he would hold the legal rights to auction our home in court, even if he lost the power of attorney Bancomer had given him. Later the loan shark simulated that LL-Inverciones sold our account to a single person for only $3k dollars.

We've been giving the loan shark a run for his money, as our plan has always been to work hard and gather enough money to pay him off in court. However, my parents have been unsuccessful and made plenty of mistakes throughout the ensuing years.

We’ve also been paying attorney's fees ever since I can remember. All the lawyers my parents had made the case last in order to give us time to gather the money we needed. Unfortunately, an attorney that doesn’t charge much is easy to bribe, which the loan shark has been very busy doing just that.

My mom's last attorney, Palafox (nickname: charlatan), pressured her a lot; he often asked for $500 to $3.5k dollars to write papers to submit in court at the last minute. I didn't know this because she kept a lot from me; the stress she bore trying to meet each attorney’s demands was incredible; I know this because I am now bearing that same burden—I have been since her passing in 2013. I cannot help but imagine how my mom, and now my dad, might have fared, had we the money that we’ve paid out to attorneys over all these years…let alone the thought that the costs would likely have paid off the loan shark 100 times over…. Nevertheless, I consider it miraculous that we have discovered each attorney’s treachery in time, so we still have possession of our property….

I know I have given you a lot of information, but I am trying to save my father from dying in a similar fate as my mom. I think he should be allowed to live out the rest of his days in the house that first he, then my mother, and now I am fighting so hard for.

For with my mother’s passing, the burden fell entirely to me to carry on (my sister, being a single parent, has little herself). I, like my mother, have tried many different business ventures to gain the capital to pay off the loan shark. When I was 17, I started my own recycling business, which I then had to give up when my parents needed my help selling our merchandise. I helped them with this for four years, during which time, first, our van, then our equipment was stolen, and our merchandise was destroyed—all in unrelated, just plain, bad-luck cases. At 21, I went to CT to visit my newly-married sister, and during that visit, I enrolled in adult education courses and completed my GED. I was taking English classes, and working very hard to learn the language, and got the idea to create an English course of my own. I tried to commercialize it, but it wasn’t as successful as I hoped; you can see the English course here:

I then tried other businesses: I worked at a company welding computer parts, which gave me elevated lead levels, for which I had to undergo detoxification treatment; and I delivered pizzas until I was mugged at gunpoint. I then began a hobby, which I was able to sell on-line for a time until credit card interest rates turned prohibitive; and I also tried to develop a website to help people win the lottery ( and But then my mother became ill, and I had to return to MX to care for her. And as I mentioned, I am now working for Uber, Lyft and Fasten.

At the beginning of the year, my father notified me that our house was indeed going to face auction, which is where I am now, trying to forestall the loan shark from seizing everything.
Our case number is 187/1993 and you can see some history here:

To finish with this today I would need $125k (this would pay off the house, loans, plus interest, as well as the current attorney I have hired); or, I would need money to keep fighting them in court for a while more, and hopefully win; paying $22,500 in attorney fees (plus other expenses).

I recently signed a contract with a new attorney I believe is legitimate and reputable; the contract is for $7,500 (for fees) and then $15,000, if we are successful (this is the $22,500, I am referring to in the latter paragraph), however this attorney thinks that I am not paying him enough for the amount of work he has to do so I had to hired more attorneys; I have 5 attorneys total, and they all charge. (This is what my parents paid for my entire youth; no wonder why we never had money!)

I am very proud to be a US citizen, as I know the good that people in this country continually offer to those less fortunate in this world. Which is why I cannot help but beg you for your assistance for the sake of my father, and in the memory of my mother. I also was taught to help people less fortunate, and find great joy in giving, even when I have but little now. And this is something I find I cannot do alone; I need help like I never have before in my life. I do not want to disappoint my father, or the memory of my mother, by failing in this 26-year fight of outright injustice. I know what the power of social media can do and I am looking up for you.

I pray you will help me share this post to help me to forestall the evil that has been railing at my family all this time, and give my dad hope for the future, who was first robbed of his wife by the stress and debilitating toll on her health in this fight, and who now faces a similar fate with his own ill-health brought on by the daily pressure of worrying he will be robbed of his home.

The nightmare would finally be at an end; it would be the happiest day of our lives, right there with being born and getting to know God. Even though my mother has passed, I believe she would be very happy, too. Even more, your help would give my father the chance to live in his home, without this shadow of corruption hanging over him, and grieve in peace for my mom. We thank you for any effort you expend on our behalf, and will always remember you in our prayers….

I would like to quote from the Bible the following paragraph, as I think the time for good for my father has come:

"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”
Proverbs 3:27

If you would like, the following video is my dad, praying to God, which he does many times during the day; he told me that is where he has been getting his strength each day to carry on, despite the constant adversity he has faced in the last 26 years:
(Spanish prayer audio).

Translation: "Loving God, holy father, lord Jehovah, almighty God, omnipotent father; we always come to you because you are the only person who can help us and in fact you have always done so; for this reason, holy father we beg you to illuminate our activities, make your face shine for us, so that we can be successful in all the things we undertake; we ask from you that you continue to orientate us and the people that kindly wishes to do so in our behalf. Tomorrow we have an event and we know that your intervention will always be on behalf of the justice you like. We put our troubles in your hands and we load them with you so that all things are resolved according to your will; please Lord do not forget about us and help us continue. We ask all these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, your beloved son, Amen."

Figure 4: My beautiful mom....nd


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