
As a young economist, I spent three months (a summer intern job) working in the Division of Research and Statistics at the Federal Reserve Board on the mall in D.C. I also happen to have been educated in economics at the University of Chicago, so I feel some pride of association in the cleverness of looking at taxi data!

Young people need to seize the day. But to avoid making things worse, young people need to empower themselves with both knowledge of the current system, and community among each other. Young people need to say to themselves and to each other, "We are powerless and we don't have a clue how the current system really works. What are we going to do about that? What are we going to do to empower ourselves?"

My advice is that you focus on morals. Commit to living unselfishly. Do not associate with or otherwise tolerate selfish people in your lives. Draw together in real community with genuine love for one another. Focus on the practical essentials, such as getting an education and establishing yourselves as productive, engaged, vigilant citizens. Study economics if you have the opportunity, for you cannot understand your world without studying economics formally at the university.

The main thing is for you to play the game of life to win, without cheating. Focus on empowering yourselves, and don't waste time worrying about what the selfish people are doing.

Indeed, I do follow that advice. But I also think it's important to be informed about what the selfish people are doing so that I can avoid giving them unwarranted support.

I suppose that was the intent of the article. To inform people that, "Hey, look over there at all the handsome suits. Why do they need an advantage to win in life when, it seems, they've already won?"

I've long held a certain fascination for the Fed. The power to create money is surely awesome. The question is, "Do the people who wield the power to create money accept the responsibilities that go along with that power?"

Their behavior as indicated in the taxi ride data suggest otherwise. :)

I was there long enough to see how they think and what they care about. My advice is that you focus on your own morals and on knitting yourselves into real community. Use your political power to clean house. The most important place to clean house is with your locally elected judges. Give the boot to any judge who does not uphold the Constitution and the other laws.

When I tell the story of what the thoroughly out of control corrupt judges and attorneys and bureacrats in Googleville (Mountain View, California) and in Santa Clara County are doing to me and have been doing to me for eight years, you will understand why I tell you that you need to shift your focus.

You are beginning to awaken, but you do not yet have a clue about the depth of the shit that you are in and you do not yet have a clue about what you need to do.

I am that clue. Will I die before anyone takes the time to listen to my plan?

Send me a link to your best post on the subject, I'll read it.

Stay tuned. I am enhancing the software that generates the pages of the "archive" link on my web site so that the table of contents page for each year is informative enough for people to easily find the evidence for each incident. Once the archive is usable, it will serve as proof for claims that I will make in essays and in steemit blog posts.

The short version of the story is that I tried to speak with signs to express political-right opinions on civic issues such as queer sexuality, speaking English, gender roles, the "December shopping spree", and global warming. I did this in Googleville (Mountain View, California). That was in 2010. I've been tangled up in Court for eight years now with unending misdemeanor complaints against me. The police operate totally outside of the law, and the local judges have their backs, and the whole court system here is totally renegade. Googleville isn't just a company town; it's a company country.

I can prove everything. You won't believe how out of control this county (and this State) is. This is Deep State stuff that hasn't come out yet and that puts the Deep State scandals at the national level in a whole new light.

That's why I am trying so hard to encourage people to stop thinking like children and start thinking like adult men and women. I need you all to help me with this, not just be waiting for me to entertain you. I will lose my life if the bad guys start to take me seriously before you do.

I noted some of the alternatives in my article. :)

As to whether or not we want a free market, I'm not even sure that a free market is possible. Entrenched interests will always try to use their power to manipulate the market, unless they truly want the market to be free. Any market where there is an exchange of value will also be subject to manipulation by public or private interests, some visible, some not so visible, at least, until the most powerful interests decide to stand down.

Whether or not the market is free really depends on the distribution or concentration of wealth and/or power. Until the people of the world decide to become more vigilant about how the market operates, I'm not sure it's possible to have a free market. And since money is a relatively recent invention set upon humanity, I think it will be some time before the people of the world adapt to money.

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