True story of the RICHEST family in history that CONTROLS Everything |

in #bangla7 months ago

For many years before 1800 century, England and almost the whole of Europe was fighting a war with the French Emperor Napoleon and Nathan saw a very good opportunity in this war. Such a team was set up which gave all the information about the war to Nathan even before the British Government and Nathan used this information in a very evil way which we cannot even imagine. That happens in the Battle of Waterloo on 18th June 1815. What no one in England had expected at that time, King Napoleon of France is defeated in this war against England and their allies. At that time, there was no internet or telephone but the Rath Child family trained many horse riders and pigeons. So that they could get the information first, that is why the news of Napoleon reached them so fast that till that time the Government of England itself did not know that their army had won in Waterloo and as soon as this news came, Nathan When Nathan comes to know about this, he goes to the London Stock Exchange and starts selling the stocks aggressively so that all the other investors feel that England is going to lose this war and in panic all the other people start selling their shares, then Nathan's agents start selling these same stocks. They buy back the shares at cheap prices and finally when everyone comes to know that England has won the war, then everyone starts buying back the shares due to which the value of the shares increases and at this time Nathan buys them back at cheap prices. They sell the purchased shares at expensive prices and even though many investors lost their money in this panic, all that money came into the hands of Nathan due to his proper planning

. In the 19th century, this family was not only involved in banking but also in railways. She also invests in industries and oil. She financed the industries and railway lines across Europe. In fact, in just 12 years till 18951 107, she gave 450 million dollars in loans to different governments of Europe, whose value today is 14 billion. This amount is more than a dollar, it is so big that we can completely buy it from two big banks like Central Bank of India and Indian Bank and just imagine that the Rath Child family had given this money only as a loan. Today, whenever a country is in crisis or is about to go bust, it goes to the International Monetary Fund to get loans, but in the 19th and 20th centuries, the Rothschild family had so much money that the family alone was the only one in the whole world. They started giving loans to the government of India and they saved many countries from ruin. In fact, many banks which give loans to all of us today, also used to take money on loan from the Rath Child family, like in 1825, the Bank of England, which At that time, it was one of the largest banks in England. They were about to run out of money and this bank was in danger of being closed. They needed a loan from somewhere as soon as possible and they went to Nathan and his family, who gave a loan to this bank and saved it. Saved them from ruin. In 1818, they gave a loan of 360 million pounds to the German government and this family has also given loan to today's super power like France. At that time, the whole of Europe was so dependent on the Rath Child family that they started fighting wars with each other. Even these countries had to go to Rath Child for money and when there was a threat of war in the whole of Europe in the 19th century