Banana Trivia
Did you know?
There is no such thing as a banana “tree.” Bananas are actually massive herbs related to palms, lilies, and orchids.
Bananas are the largest plants on earth without a woody stem. The “trunk” is comprised of sheaths of overlapping leaves, wrapped tightly around each other. They reach their full height of up to 30 feet during their first year of growth.
A single banana leaf can grow up to 12 feet in length. In Southeast Asia, Central America and much of Africa, food is wrapped in banana leaves for storage and cooking, much like aluminum foil in the West. The leaves lend a subtle flavor to dishes cooked in them, and their hardness allows them to be used time and again.
Bananas are grown and harvested year-round. They grow from a bulb, not a seed. A perennial crop, each bulb sprouts new shoots every year.
A cluster of bananas, is called a “hand,” consists of 10 to 20 individual bananas, also known as fingers. In fact, the word banana comes from banan, the Arabic word for “finger.”
There are more than 400 varieties of banana in existence.
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