
conversion rate can be checked here
UPDATED • to initiate this exchange send .20 GB to:


Your 19.42 STEEM will be delivered by @grow-pro upon confirmation of bytes received. Thank you for using @balls2steem and we are standing by for your exchange now. This quote is good for 3 hours and will be recalculated after 3 hours upon bytes received. After sending bytes, simply comment/reply SENT so that we can promptly deliver your STEEM.

Hi @grow-pro, is this address still usable? How will the rate be right now?

You will receive 20.36 STEEM in exchange for .20 GB
Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 2.19.50 PM.png



Your 20.36 STEEM will be delivered by @jackmiller (Steemit witness) once your bytes are confirmed. Thank you for using @balls2steem and we are standing by now for your exchange, @joelai.

Done, just sent.

Paid in full.

Tx 2d334590f695ffd484940d908443c1d2f05211de@24664549

Included in block 24,664,549 at 2018-07-31 18:33:33 (UTC)


Thank you for doing business with us.

Yeah, got the steem, than you very much!
Nice doing business with you too! There shall be next time! Haha

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.24
JST 0.031
BTC 81549.76
ETH 2085.72
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.84