Who Is the Most Beautiful Person to You?
Our notion of beauty begins early in life. A classic quote tells that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To complicate things, there are many faces of beauty other than the physical.
It is, indeed, a blessing to be regarded as beautiful. Out of the overwhelmingly many possible beauties, you stood out for a beholder who many likewise be a possible beauty, too. Isn't this worth pondering?
The people I consider beautiful are my family, relatives, and friends. But the most beautiful of them all is my "mother" whom I call mama.
Why? Because she is beautiful both inside and out. She possesses an inner beauty I cannot see in others. She is virtuous, understanding, loving, and God-fearing. A beautiful person, indeed, is my mother! And today is her birthday.
Happy Birthday to my mama.. Enjoy your day. God bless.