Roblox Gameplay - Bakon! NEW CODE and We ESCAPED the HARDEST CHAPTER - New Factory Map!
🥓 Roblox Bakon! NEW CODE and We ESCAPED the HARDEST CHAPTER - New Factory Map! Loud Warning!
In this video, I played Roblox Bakon! There's a new Chapter with a NEW CODE for the Chromatic Knife skin and How we escaped the New Chapter 11, the factory map, the creators says that this is the HARDEST MAP They have created so far! There is doors to be opened, puzzle to be completed and even a code that you have to go around the map and find the correct color computers, memorize the number for each color computers and key in the correct code for each color at the exit door area! You can't escape yet even if you open the EXIT door, you still have to use a plasma cutter to access the truck's trunk (where you will escape from), find a purple key, go upstairs and open a safe to get the Black truck key, go to the front of the truck and use it to start off the truck then get into the trunk of the truck to escape. So they actually made it harder by adding the truck part I think.
Heavily inspired by Piggy & Survive the Killer. Check out those games as well! 😨 Join us in learning about the horror story of our friend, Bakon.
How to redeem Bakon Codes: The twitter icon is on the upper left corner of the screen, to the right of the chat icon. So click on the twitter icon, enter the code in the new window and press enter to receive your reward.
There's currently 11 different chapter maps with different difficulty level from easy, medium, hard to Extreme! Maps and chapters includes: Chapter 1 - Bakon's Estate, Chapter 2 - Library, Chapter 3 - Sewers, Chapter 4 - The Flashback, Chapter 5 - The Hangout, Chapter 6 - Secret Base, Chapter 7 - Swine's Lab, Chapter 8 - Tomb Raiders, Chapter 9 - Steve's Shack, Chapter 10 Secret Formula and the new Chapter 11 Hardest Map so far - Factory!
-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:46 Code Time! This new code gives you the Chromatic Knife Skin! There's other codess on my other Bakon videos, check them out too!
0:04:38 Pink key for a closet down in the basement!
0:04:52 This USB is for the Server upstairs, it should power up all the 4 computers and lets you see what number each color (blue, green, red and white) computer has! You have to memorize the number for each color computer and key them in at the exit door!
0:05:19 The blue computer says number 1!
0:05:35 Yes I died but as a premium account holder I get a second chance!
0:05:57 Green computer says number 1!
0:06:57 Red computer says Number 0!
0:07:07 Now we need the red key for this door to see the white computer! White computer says number 2 and also two things that we need very much is in this room!
0:07:31 I key in all the codes and the Rust Buster gun I have is also for this exit door!
0:08:55 After you unlocked the exit door with the white silver key, it's not escape yet! You will need two more things: a Plasma cutter and a Black Key (black key is usually locked in the upstairs Purple key safe).
0:09:10 My friends did that last step and we just need to run to the truck to exit! We did it, we escaped the HARDEST CHAPTER in this game!
0:09:22 Wondering why music? It's because my screaming was too LOUD XD! I thought all of you might rather listen to some simple music instead of my LOUD SCREAMING!
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-- Roblox Bakon (New Chapter) By Pink Beard Games
-- About Bakon
Chapter 11 has arrived!
- Meteor event ends in ONE week
- New skins and codes @CalebRBX
Heavily inspired by Piggy & Survive the Killer. Check out those games as well!
😨 Join us in learning about the horror story of our friend, Bakon.
Premium users are allowed ONE respawn per round! Purchase Roblox Premium in-game or on the website to gain access to this feature.
🚨 ALPHA 🚨 This game is in alpha. Some features may not work as intended. Specifically, the Bot gamemode may be buggy!
Credits: - RomanSickness: Knife Skins, Bakon Rig, animations
- DailyDoseOfSimulator: Programming, UI, builds
- SupernaturalSpawn: New map builds (Chapter 7 and onwards)
- SoftGb: Game Icon & Thumbnail
Roblox Bakon Created 1/15/2020, Updated 5/29/2020, Max Players 6, Genre Horror. (Online Multiplayer Game, Bakon, New chapter, Chapter 11, Factory map, Codes, Code, Escape)
-- Yesterday Gamelog
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Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.
I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox Bakon Gameplay / Chloe Lim June 2020 Gamelog / #Bakon / #Codes / #HardestMap