Bailiffts UK beat them... UK Law WIN!
Beat the Bailiff Keeping them off your property
Commercial bailiffs, who will be sending you lots of letters, whilst rarely visiting your property; have far fewer powers than court bailiffs and can be sorted out with a few documents and a simple procedure.
Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access
If you are expecting bailiffs to visit and you don't know who is at the door, then don't open it when somebody knocks. Ask, through a window or the mailbox (or just shout through the door) and ask who it is. If they reply that are from the Council or some other authority or body, ask exactly who they are and what their business is with you. If they are a bailiff or other undesired person, say, "Just a moment, please" and go out of the back door locking it behind you and go to meet them by the front door, taking with you a clipboard, a note pad and a camera.
Bailiff Notices
Print out the Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access and laminate it, then place this notice at the entrance of your property. Should the bailiff ignore it he will be trespassing on your property.
If you receive a letter from a bailiff company, immediately send them the version of the Notice below.
If you are expecting bailiffs to visit and you don't know who is at the door, then don't open it when somebody knocks.
Ask, through a window or the mailbox (or just shout through the door) and ask who it is. If they reply that are from the Council or some other authority or body, ask exactly who they are and what their business is, with you.
If they are a bailiff or other undesired person, say, "Just a moment, please" and go out of the back door locking it behind you and go to meet them by the front door, taking with you a clipboard, a note pad and a camera.
If there is more than one of them, do the following for each person; ask them again, writing down all the answers, who they are employed by who they are an agent for. Ask to see their ID and write down everything on it - ask if they mind you taking a photograph of it and do so, then-
Ask the Bailiff the following questions:
What is their bailiff's certificate number?
Which court certificated them?
What their business name and address is?
Ask for a full breakdown of their fees
Ask to see their warrant and take a photograph of it
Ask if they have a Walking Possession Order; if so, ask them to hold it for you while you take a photograph. (Don't take hold of it if he offers it to you!)
Ask them to complete and sign for your records, the template letter confirming their attendance on your property. When completed, post it through your mailbox
Ask if they saw the notice at the front gate - the Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access