What can a girl do after marriage to become a good wife?
° A girl never goes into a family with a bad mind after marriage, if she has a desire to start a family from her heart.
Due to some situation in the in-laws house, some girls lose their mental mentality and then they don't like themselves
Mother-in-law in father-in-law's house always blames some girls, no matter if the daughter-in-law behaves well and works, the mother-in-law does not care, she will find fault in one way or another.
When every girl's heart slowly breaks, the girl doesn't think what else can I do to be better at her father-in-law's house and goes into depression.
I think that every mother-in-law is a daughter, °they also have daughters, they are married, if they think about their daughters and treat their wives well, then there would be no chaos in any family, and families would not be broken.And in the life of a girl, a good husband is needed in such a situation that he will understand the girl in all situations and keep her with love.
°And in the life of a girl, a good husband is needed in such a situation that he will understand the girl in all situations and keep her with love
°Most of the girls' families break open just because of these mother-in-laws, how can we be when I am your mother-in-law?
Hey there are some mother in laws who if her son speaks up for his wife then abuses her son by talking more nonsense, what should be done with such mother in law I say.
Enduring such hardships day after day, will a girl not want to live there, will she like to live there, or will the girl face illness day by day with peace of mind?
I you will be a mother one day we should be thinking we too will be mothers in law one day we will let our sons and daughters live independently choose their own well being so that we ourselves can be well
[ 27-02-25].