"...the very idea of establishing a "free state" is self-contradictory." - Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage

in #badquaker6 years ago

"The next sand castle that needs to be kicked into the air and scattered into the wind, is the crazy notion that large sections of America, or perhaps states like Texas, Alaska, or New Hampshire, can break away or secede from the DC government and freedom will somehow abound. Set aside the obvious problem of the afore-mentioned 1.3 million federal troops, the strongest army the world has ever seen, in the hands of the DC government, along with the ability and motivation to send death from the sky to visit every rebel state house, VFW lodge, and backyard BBQ where the "terrorist rebels" gather, and the idea becomes laughable at best. But add into the equation that the very idea of establishing a "free state" is self-contradictory. Then consider the contradiction of having a "free" society with government established borders, and you enter the realm of collectivist hallucinatory delusions. Secession is the path to open geography-based war, the one type of warfare Washington DC actually knows how to win. These notions of state secession are generally pushed by "leaders" who fantasize of being the next "father of their country" and would lead their followers right back into tyranny once the irresistible temptations of power take their natural course, assuming the DC government doesn't just round them up and exterminate them wholesale. Secession and revolution are the battleground the DC government is best suited for and clamors to fight. Give them that fight and you secure their tyranny for generations to come."

- Sedition Subversion and Sabotage Field Manual No. 1, page 140

Read Ben Stone's book here (pdf) - http://www.badquaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/FieldManualNo1.pdf

Or listen (downloadable) - http://www.libertyunderattack.com/benstoneaudiobook/



https://twitter.com/BadQuakerBen (I know the account is down. Ben took some time away from social media but I keep sharing it incase he comes back)

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I thoroughly disagree. While it's not freedom per se, more political units puts downward pressure on the existing political units, forcing them to act closer to the desires of those they govern. This can be seen in the flexibility and responsiveness of local governments as compared to state governments, as compared to the federal government. The argument that "well DC would love a secession war because it will level everything" also doesn't jive with what we know about modern insurgency and guerilla warfare. What was true nearly 200 years ago is not necessarily true today, and I would think that a large number of US troops, if asked to fire upon people who were their countrymen just the other day, would either refuse outright or refuse once the reality of marching on domestic soil set in.

As someone who was a US soldier, I can tell you right now that I would have refused to march on a seceding state. That was one line I absolutely refused to cross, and I know for a fact that I'm not the only one.

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