Bad Design #4 — why even bother?
Package designers, why do you continue to include this slot & tongue closing option?
It doesn't work, so stop it!
Is it one of the commandments in the packaging bible? It must be, because we see these things everywhere. Cereal boxes, muesli bars, biscuits, laundry powder, crackers, bird food… if it’s a box, it’s probably got a slot & tongue “closing” option.
The problem is not the technique, the problem is the context.
Firstly the card used is thin. Therefore it can easily be torn, split, or destroyed in some manner.
Secondly, the package manufacturer has taken the steps to glue down the flaps in which you are using the technique. GLUED! You know what that means?
Rip, tear, destroy, gimme my damn crackers now!
The slot & tongue is a good technique, and it has its place. But that place is not here. But,
every problem is an opportunity.
There are plenty of opportunities here to improve and or resolve issues. Of course we need to understand which issue we wish to resolve, as there are a few here. But I will provide one possible solution to one of the issues. The issue of giving the consumer the option of re-closing the lid. My solution is, DON’T. Don’t give the option. It is an unnecessary option, which I dare say serves no real purpose except looking nice when closed, but that’s it. It doesn’t stop bugs getting in there, it doesn't keep the crackers fresh, so stop fooling yourself.
Packaging designers, your move…
CitizenRod is an entrepreneur, industrial designer, artist, and thinker. Follow him on Steemit, Twitter, Insta, his artwork at rodrigoantoniomunoz, and his startup at
Note: This article was originally posted on Medium by CitizenRod.
First off... It seems you are ripping off someone elses content.
Second... Yes that shit makes me mad.
There shouldn't be boxes in the first place!!
It's in a bag!!
Nah @doctorcrypo, it's my original content. I originally posted it on my Medium blog. I have only recently discovered Steemit, so I'll slowly be bring my other posts across. Cheers.