This Piece of Bacon may end Western Civilization

in #bacon8 years ago (edited)

Bacon and Nipples

A Sign of the Apocalypse?

After a social media user posted a picture of a piece of bacon with a nipple attached to it, the Internet has gone into full blown meltdown. Even Trump is trending in 3rd place right now, and Hillary has dropped off the Top Ten. I don't know if people didn't realize pigs had nipples, or if they somehow thought bacon came from a less suggestive part of the pig's anatomy. I bet no one will be able to watch Miss Piggy again without feeling a bit sad, though.

Teat Bacon

Many of the social media warriors who have visited the site where the picture was posted have sworn to never eat bacon again. Seeing as how the average attention span these days is around 5 minutes, I think that's how long their determination will last, but maybe I am being too cynical. Though America does hate the sight of boobs, so this may, in fact, spell the end of the bacon industry and Western Civilization as we know it.

You've all been warned. In the meantime, I am off to the supermarket to see if I get lucky.

In other news of the infinitely bizarre: Woman Raped by Virtual Pokemon-Go Character


lol. Best not tell them where hams come from :P

Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore. If you tell me that most people nowadays in America believe bacon grows on trees, I wouldn't doubt you.

I grew up on a farm and it's always funny to me how ignorant people are to their food sources and how outraged people can get over the commonplace.

I've eaten beef, sheep, chicken, turkey and pig that we referred to, while eating, by the name we called it when it was walking around. These things often strike people as horrific or bizarre, but 100 years ago, was common practice and a sign that you appreciated your food and where it came from.

Precisely. I see it as a sign of decadence. The same thing happened in Imperial Rome before it all collapsed.

Funny post. People are nuts.
We rented a place in Washington a while back that had plenty of land. The owner said we could put in a garden. Then he cracked up, and said that when he told the couple before us that they could, the woman responded that they don't eat food that comes from the ground. He asked, "Well, where do you think you food comes from?" She responded that it came from the store. O.O

Ignorance today is the norm, unfortunately. I had one person comment on another post where I said I was all for publicly funded education through High School, but anything beyond should be up to each person, and they said that we should fund everyone's "dream", because lack of intelligence is why we're in this boat right now. He can't seem to grasp that education and intelligence are two different things.

You're more generous with public indoctr... errr, education than I am. IMO, any public efforts should be completely funded locally by those affected. It works in much of the world, while in other areas it's more dependent upon charity.
Much of the problem with intelligence is due to our current education systems. They teach facts (or what they want you to know, whether true or not) so you can pass tests and they can keep looking good in order to get their funding. Critical thinking has been lost, except where a few standouts break from the herd or parents embrace teaching it themselves, either through homeschooling or by spending a ton of time walking their kids through the state system. We opted for the former, and never looked back. It paid off nicely, IMO.

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