RE: VOP Child Sex Trafficking Update
Mayor Rothschild and his TPD employees
but it feels to me Trump was placed in office to give the appearance that a stop to the insanity was finally here, while they continue on with the same evil business they do.
aid of Oathkeepers, stood down the BLM
All you saw was my mentioning the connection to Cemex and the Clintons though. You have already predetermined who you think I am and your view is narrowed to that vision you already have of me. You have said I am doing things I have not (writing on pizzagate, hammering away at this VOP that I think I have written on this one time).
I am curious, your bio says you are Canadian, what exactly is your stake in this and what makes you so protective of Hillary exactly? I notice you didn't mention me maligning Trump, Rothschild or McCain in the comments section. I also notice you say heroes out in the scorching heat ever day stopping this horrible thing makes them not patriots doing anything. What exactly are your heroes doing? I look forward to reading your articles on your heroes. As well as your proof that all the hours of video online now by these heroes is false.
Why do I have to have a stake in it? I can have whatever opinion I want including that these assholes are selling t shirts to make money from Hillary Clinton haters while pretending to fight child abuse. I think it's despicable.
You are in a echo chamber now, you are just going to get your people commenting almost exclusively, people like me generally get tired of debating people who think a rope tied to a tree somehow equals child sex camp. Or that hair dye for sure means kidnapped kids. I'm already bored here. Have a nice day/life try to remember the real pimps of children are almost always african american or outlaw bikers, which is why I'm not fighting them at the bus station. And it's why none of these online heroes are either. The real pimps of kids are fucking dangerous and you should call the police if you have actual info on them.