The US now ranks 27th in the world for its levels of investments in healthcare and education

in #backscratcher5 years ago (edited)

...according to a study posted September 24, 2018.

For those that do not bat an eye at trillions of wasted taxpayer dollars on 19 years of fruitless war based on lies & hypocrisy, that do not bat an eye at the U.S. invasion of several sovereign nations, that caused the deaths of Hundreds of Thousands- against the tune of just under 10,000 U.S. soldiers killed, or do not bat an eye at the fact that the Patriot Act stripped away citizens' rights, and adamantly believe and think that the below things are great (because Trump says so):

-Not offering reduced or covered medical care to all citizens and those who wish to be productive citizens of the U.S.

-Taking away health insurance for 32 million citizens under existing coverage, along with not covering those with pre-existing conditions.

-That people should work twice as hard to pay to have a child, stay alive and healthy, or to pay for overpriced life-saving medications.

-That the Director of Education should take away after-school programs that help students get ahead when they fall behind, want to excel, or just need a productive & safe place to play & study while their parents are still at work.

-That we should refuse to re-organize and change the education finance system for clearly under-educated and over-burdened students.

Kindly, plan a date very soon for a vasectomy or tubal ligation. You lack humanism and embrace nationalism, disguised as patriotism. You are not a patriot, hold no true American fundamentals that our forefathers set forth, and your regard for other humans has been weighed, measured, and been found wanting. You do not measure up to the standards that have been set for America or humanity for that matter.

Most people (myself mainly) certainly do not want your decisions, based on hate, fear, and lies; affecting us or our families, or your offspring killing or influencing us or our children. The world does not need more uneducated and misinformed nationalist minions running around, spreading hate, with no regard for human life, or the consequences of inhumane & selfish actions.

If you cannot afford this form of birth control, please consider voting for Bernie Sanders so that the appropriate, affordable healthcare, can be provided for your broke and misanthropic asses.

(My opinion in this article is strictly for Humanistic and Humorous purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I do not resent or wish harm against any human being (or their offspring) that resembles the traits & characteristics described in this article- I merely disagree with them and one or two of their personality chromosomes. )

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