India Trip Day 10-11 from Pune to Anjuna in Goa

in #backpacking7 years ago

Hello there,

on my last day in Pune, I needed to book a sleeper bus to Goa - Ajuna. I asked some people from the Osho Center to help me booking one. It took me some hour to book one because most of the buses were booked due to holiday and the election which is going on, the streets were full of people. Somehow I got one of the last places on a bus. It left around 9 pm and I reached Goa around 6-7 am.

After the first part of the ride I got motion sickness because they were so many speed breaks where the bus had to slow down and some streets were not made that good.
But it got better and I managed to get some sleep. Around 7 am I reached Punjim/Goa when I got out of the bus there where many riksha and taxi guys waiting and offered overpriced prices to get me to Anjuna. I was going for prices lower than half of what they said so most of them went away. One guy came up to me and said he can take me on his Bike for around that price I was fine with that and hopped onto the bike.

He dropped me close to a hostel named Brick n Bamboo I was searching for half an hour and couldn't find it. I asked around and ended up in a hostel called the Lost Tribe I thought it was totally fitting so I stayed.

Early on they started to play psytrance and other kinds of music. Somehow after meditating for 5 days in a row at first I felt so wrong at that place.

At first I met an Israeli guy who offered me to smoke a bong with him but I refused, haha. After that both of us went for breakfast on his scooter.
He was driving pretty well and luckily there wasn't much traffic, especially compared to Mumbai and Pune.
I had some omlette and went for an ATM afterwards then got back to the hostel.

There I started talking to some Indian guys and become friends with some of them. We we're hanging out together we went on one Scouter with 3 people, later on we got another scouter. We went for some and I got a beer called kingfisher we drank it at the beach.
It was so nice to see the beach and feel the breeze.




We decided to go on a Goa/Outdoor Party. Before we went there we went back to the hostel. I told the host that I won't need a bed for tonight I only needed to store my stuff there. He was totally fine with it.

We got another scouter and went for our almost an hour journey to Arambol.
Two Scouter, 3 people searching for an Outdoor Party in Arambol. I was writing with James, which I met in Mumbai, to met up for a drink at his hostel Happy Panda. We met up it was funny to see after some time. We drank a beer and then we needed to leave for the goa party to find we only had a vague description, so we were going around Arambol driving up a hill and down found some cashew trees made a photo of that.


Then we went down again because there was nothing else up there. We took a wrong turn so we went back again, went up another hill found the place. But the Goa police was there cancelling the party. We waited until the police left because we thought that they start then but they didn't so it really got cancelled/moved to another place.


But we didn't want to stick around to long and wait, that's were we decided to go back to Anjuna. There we went for a psytrance disco at a beach club and enjoyed ourselves a bit.

We got back to the hostel around 5 am, around 6 am a guy came with his scouter using the horn and entered through the main gate beside the reception. He wanted a room because he couldn't sleep in his hosteI it was too hot for him. He definitely took something may it be alcohol or drug. He was from Dubai. As soon as we told him he should come back around 11 am til the guys from the reception are there, he left on his scouter having some problems while trying to turn around and then he went of into the dark. I went to get some sleep for some hours but it got so humid and hot that I couldn't sleep anymore. That day I was just chilling around.
The next day James came around and booksed a hostel near by, we met up and got a nice burger for lunch, the best burger
I've eaten so far.


We walked around Anjuna to the Beach and our hostels and we planned our trip to Hampi, the next destination.







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