O.K. Nap-time over - Back to work! Short Nap Journal!
No time for the weary! Look-alive!
I always feel a lot better right after my nap! Now I will be up to at least midnight - doing my rounds!
Lol jk... but actually very serious!
See Ya soon!
You know who!
Whoa, I just checked...
My last post and it was 2 hours ago!
What a nap!
I’m just coming too, trying to remember the dreams! Starting to remember. I was in a van,
getting driven around the bends...
By a madman named swelker, maybe.
At one point we lost control around the curve,
and were driving through mid air! (literally thought I gunna’ be ded!
He was chewing gum in the next scene
Had me stuck to a chair!
He gave me the chewed up gum, and ripped it right out of his mouth!
He handed it to me and I put it in my mouth and began to chew, had not much fun, it got stuck together like glue! My jaw was stuck...
From the roof of my bone to the bottom!
I realized what he had done,
He stashed poison in the gum,
at once i yanked it out with my hand, it was stuck
Coming out and out of my mouth, i felt like one of those “rodeo clowns” you know the ones that... pull the handkerchiefs outta their mouths, forever! In a dream!
Sorry this is all just coming back to me now
All groggily as come back from hell!
But it was heaven too, so much fun, and so much to do!
There was a hot/ hit girl names Crissy in my dream too! And a black dude wearing a leather jacket too! They were my friends!! Wow I remember her sitting next to my captor!
Wow so much happened while I was away for the past 2 hours, if only I could remember the rest????
Wow, the more I keep on writing down these dreams in steemit right when I wake up, da better! I just hope steemit does not delete them all later, what da fuck!
I’m so pissed I found out steemit is deleting all my old stuff, I thought I could count on this immutable ledger, now I’m stuck! Just lime my Alien declaration story, when I went back to check. it was gone! I was so shocked! Now I cannot trust steemit, and I need to back my shit up! Shame on you steemit.com! For messing with my dreams! Seriously u gunna go down fir dat if it is da last thing I do! I’m coming for ya steemit, while you sleep too!