Babylon Shall Fall

in #babylon4 years ago


The FAKEjew owners/controllers/"leaders" want absolute dominance over mankind from their gated, heavily armed fortresses (they are FASCISTS). They want abject poverty and communism for the rest of us. They will starve us just as soon as they get most of the guns and close the borders... EVERYWHERE. Your farm, I mean nation, is a PRISON you paid for with your obedience, fear, and payments.

We will own nothing and never eat meat again. We will be drugged in our air, water, and food to keep the boot licking sycophantic survivors docile. No more middle class who can mount a real fight... if they did so quickly. They will not. Hard core slavery is coming quickly. FLEE Babylon (the USA, INC.) or perish.

The satanic rituals of forced mask wearing, and shutting down corporate WORSHIP of YAHWEH (however inaccurate) has further neutered all those who had some spine left (AKA ballz) and there will be no resistance. These FAKEjews, Synagogue of Satan (#SOS), are ran directly by Satan who is FAR more intelligent than our best, who are hopelessly in a quagmire of idolatry, sin, chaos, fear, and impotence. Only discernment, wisdom, and the Protection and Warfare of my Father in Heaven can prevail.

I would surely be dead, otherwise. I would also have no voice aside from His Protection. DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST OR WORSHIP THE BEAST!!! If you do, you can never die, and the smoke of your torment shall rise from the Lake of FIRE FOREVER! It was made for the devil and his ilk. Do not become one of his children forever! REPENT, while you still are in the body. You can repent of murder, and sexual immorality.

I fear no man, belong to no groups, follow no men. My Teacher is the Set-Apart, Holy Spirit and tells me the thoughts and concerns of my Sky Daddy Yahweh, Who fights all my battles and avenges me with His unstoppable WRATH. The Blood of His Son, Yahushua, and His Name are the ONLY way to salvation... once you know the Truth. He is the ONLY GATE. The ONLY Mediator. The ONLY Kinsman Redeemer. Follow Him... or perish.

Of course Babylon is a world-wide system that is locking us down and will begin to starve us SOON. They will force worship of the Beast in order for you to eat. There is only One Hope. The church, ran by co-opted hirelings, will not save you. They have no power, have been fully infiltrated, and have LOST America to the forces of darkness. Alas, Babylon. Babylon is also a city and a nation surrounding that city.

It is marbled with rivers, surrounded by seas. It is the Hammer of the Earth and sits as a Queen, thinking herself impervious to attack. She is the daughter whore of original Babylon and rides the Beast she thinks she has tamed. Her Big Pharma, spreads sorcery to the nations. She murders all those who tell the Truth and she will hunt the Saints soon. She has "conquered" "space" and soars as an eagle.

She will be utterly destroyed in ONE hour as her inhabitants die by fire and brimstone. There will be no escape and no survivors once Her Judgment begins. Just like Sodom and Gomorrah, there will never be another living soul in her. I am warning you: FLEE her as the WORD commands... or perish.