Chasing a dream joyfully 追逐梦想本该是愉快的 by @fr3eze
This article was written by @fr3eze / 本文由 @fr3eze 撰写提交
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How many times have you been working so painfully to achieve a goal? A few, or maybe many. There are so much of stereotypes in life to teach us getting something at the expense of our freedom and happiness is acceptable.
Buy a house you can barely afford 买你买不起的房子

Taken at Singapore, evening 摄于新加坡,黄昏
You are sick of room renting. Your owner's house rules disgust you. You have had enough. You want to have your own house so you can do whatever you want. Decorate or renovate at you will. Blast that music without bothering the housemate. You proceed to buy a house you can barely afford. Squeeze out the downpayment from the already shabby lifestyle. Make monthly payments on it for the longest loan period you can find, like 30 years. So that you can spend 3 times the cost of the house. And the banks get the last laugh.
I'm no expert in the property investment. But we should buy a house that costs less than 30% of our take-home pay at maximum 15-year mortgage. The longer the loan the more overpriced the house is going to be. A 15-year loan at 3% annualized interest for $200,000 ends up with a total of $320,000. And the house is likely worth more than $320,000 by the time everything is paid out.
A friend of mine recently switched from a 10Gb mobile data postpaid plan to 1Gb prepaid plan. 1Gb is barely enough for his mobile internet usage so he has to turn off the data mode on his phone occasionally to avoid unnecessary data usage. He made that switch just to save up an $40 from the mobile bill. I thought he was in some sort of financial crisis, only to know he was just bought his first house. He has to start cutting down expenses for the coming mortgage.
This is a minor example of trading quality of life for something one can’t afford. Who knows what sacrifices he has made behind the scene. I would not do the same if I were him.
Owning a house is such a fantastic dream and a huge privilege to me. I have not yet owned one but I know someday I will. The last thing I would do is to attempt something I’m not capable and struggling because of it.
Have a baby when you are not ready 要你要不起的孩子

My newborn nephew 未满一周的侄儿
Having a baby often link to a lot of responsibility. Child care fee and education fund will take up a big part of finance in a family. But the parent can't go all out working their ass off at the office because the kid will need their care and the parent want to act a significant role in kid's childhood. If the parent ever wanted 3 kids, they often choose to deliver all 3 within a short period like 4 to 6 years. At least this kind of 'strategy' is popular among the Chinese. Say this is the way to shorten the 'pain'.
Isn't something wrong here? Having a baby is supposed to be a bless and something worth to cheer. However, if the parent is not prepared financially and mentally for the arrival of their child, the whole family will struggle along with the growth of the newborn. Looking back after years, the parent will take the children raising experience as "dark age". They may even tell their grown-up that they should be grateful because the parent has been through a lot to feed them.
Eastern countries used to have the culture of early marriage, usually from 20 to 25 years old. Some even started from 15 years old. Those who have passed the marriage age was considered unwanted or unattractive. Furthermore,thanks to the parents who long to be a proud grandparent, those newly married couples have to hurry up the reproduction time for the enlightenment of the family. This culture is outdated and brings no pleasure to the newly-appointed parent at all.
Of course, there are so many babies come to this world due to accident, that is out of our topic and that is why too birth precaution is important.
You don't have to struggle to hit any goal 通往梦想的路途未必尽是痛苦的回忆
Most of the achievements that we craving for are base on fundamental finance. The best case is to buy a house using cash with zero debt, quit your job to be the full-time parent without worrying the source of income. The stronger the fundamental, the more sacrifices we can avoid on the road to success.
No matter it is buying a house, having a baby, getting a degree, or learning new skills. Enjoyable progress provides huge motivation while leaving good memories along the way.
Stop making horrible memory for the future success. If you are striving for the something good, make the process as enjoyable as possible.
Couldn't have agreed more with you... There is no point in achieving your goals if you are not mentally, physically and emotionally prepared to enjoy the ups and downs during that journey. The bigger the goal, the longer that journey would be. However, if you know within yourself that you're on the right track, all the sacrifices along the way and everything you gave up for it, would not be in vain - but most of us give up on ourselves too easily. That's human nature.
Owning a house, having your own family, achieving success at work, or whatever the goal is for someone - we need to have immense amount of faith in ourselves regardless how difficult it may seem throughout. Life will always knock you down in ways that you don't even anticipate. However, the day you finally achieve your goal or even get close to it, you realize that everything that occurred during this journey was actually worth it.
Faith. Self-affirmation. Hope... Once we have these, everything starts falling into the right place itself.
It seems like you are the only one who gets every point in this article. Appreciate that.
baby is a very nice . good post
Upvote me bro.alwyes with you
very beautiful baby! someone,
Beautiful baby!
Good post ... but make sure u understand that interest rates can go up !! Also it seems your interest rate calculations are incorrect .. I mean there is interest on interest with banks !!
Oh the that was just a rough calculation and the overall concept should be still valid.
"You need not struggle to hit any goal"
We happen to struggle too much. Stress comes to stomach ulcers and other ailments. We end up dying before achieving our goals.
Can I say life is harsh?
Life is a harsh or a bless, all depends on how you decided to see it.
Great Post!
life gives us opportunities that we make the most off, live life and accomplish your goals and when all is said and done be grateful and enjoy . life is a journey