PixWeekly #14: B1June and Tulip Mega Post
In lieu of our regularly scheduled PixWeekly format, this week we bring you the B1June & Tulip mega post since many of the pixEOS team members were at both events and have tons of updates. There were 3 events that the pixEOS team attended: Everything EOS Party EEMay31, B1June and the Tulip Conference plus many after parties in San Francisco.
As most of you know by now, the B1June event that Block.one hosted in Washington, D.C. was on a level rarely seen in the cryptosphere.
Many attendees said it shared similarities with how Apple releases its new products and even people within the wider crypto community seemed to be impressed by its grandeur.
The biggest news of the evening from Block.one was the announcement of a new social network called Voice. During the release of this news, the slides on the giant screen read, “Our content. Our data. Our attention.”, “Social media has not been a good friend to us.” and “We’re rewriting the formula.” Block.one announced that everyone who signs up for a Voice account will also be given a free EOS account. There will also be a Voice token which will reward content creators, and instead of holding a sale or an ico for Voice tokens, the only people receiving the first-issued tokens will be social media influencers and creators on the Voice platform. Also, in order to get an account, users will have to verify their identity. You can sign up for the Voice beta here: https://voice.com/
There were other partnerships announced, with Coinbase being among the most prominent. Block.one and Coinbase have created a way for users to learn about EOS and in the process, earn EOS as a reward. Go here for more info on how you can earn $10 of EOS: https://www.coinbase.com/earn/eos
To read an in-depth interview with Brendan Blumer and Dan Larimer about Voice, go here: https://www.eoswriter.io/3586_post-b1june-interview-with-dan-and-brendan-transcribed-version.eos
Here some photos from the event:
Brock Pierce Announces Winners of pixEOS Briefs at EE31May Party
In a move not even guessed by us, Brock Pierce decided to wear his recently purchased pixEOS briefs, designed by Stellabelle, outside of his clothes! These briefs are made from the painting titled, Crypto Royalty and are available in Stellabelle’s Etsy store. You might know this painting already because one of the clues to the EOS Treasure Hunt is in the painting, too. To experience the full spectacle watch the video where Brock announces the two winners of the underwear giveaway:
The Everything EOS party was very exciting and we want to thank the EE team for putting it all together.
Tulip Conference & BP Summit in San Francisco
We were one of the co-sponsors of the Tulip conference, held in San Francisco on June 4-6, 2019. We had an amazing time meeting new people, and becoming more acquainted with the EOS community. Our collaborative canvas, titled, Tattoo Robot was a hit, with most of the parts being drawn in during the three-day conference:
BP Summit
The BP summit was sponsored by EOS 42, Object Computing, EOS Nation, EOS Tribe, and EOS SV and was ultimately organized as a way to bring the global EOS community together.
As stated in their announcement of the event: “EOS is a global project. Block Producers know the importance of maintaining connections with our multicultural community. That’s why we will be prioritizing cross cultural community building by bringing BPs from Asia, and the English speaking world together.”
The BP Summit in full swing during the Building Adoption Panel
Zicen 梓 岑 founder of HelloEOS and co-founder of YOYOW discusses China’s perspective
Ingrid Lafleur, cofounder of EOS Detroit, sharing their plan to provide Mesh Network Internet to the under served through their Decentralized Autonomous Corporation (DAC) called DACTROIT
We had a blast meeting everyone and sharing our collaborative canvas that many drew on!
SHEOS Party in San Francisco
We ended our week long EOS adventure with an after party hosted by sheEOS and YOLO at Monroe Lounge.
Hernan of EOS Isreal and YOLO addressing the EOS party crowd to close out the week
Play our games: pixEOS Paint FE, Blockatrix3000
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