BETWEEN WORLDS: Ayahuasca & San Pedro - How I ended up in Atlantis!?

in #ayahuasca8 years ago (edited)

I live in BC, Canada and was fortunate enough to discover a last minute opportunity to participate in an ayahuasca ceremony right in my own province. Ayahuasca is a powerful psychedelic plant medicine, a vine which grows in the jungles of South America. It contains DMT and is used for spiritual, emotional, mental and physical healing and insight. That was the first day. The second day we did San Pedro or wachuma. This is a different type of ancient plant medicine, a cactus. Very similar to peyote. Both have mescaline as the psychoactive compound. Grows in the mountainous areas, in the Andes.

The Ayahuasca totally blew me away. Everybody has different experiences but for me it stimulated the most incredible psychedelic imagery. It was SO intense. At one point I actually felt like it was too much. I wanted off this ride...but there was no off button. I was already locked into this crazy roller coaster ride. Non stop visions of shapes, geometry and patterns, all in multi-colors. It was as if I was watching the actual building blocks of this dimension, this matrix. The matrix wasn't made up of ones and zeros but of sacred geometry and the spectrum of coloured light. All the colours of the rainbow, usually in the proper order - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.

As I watched the wild and stunning display, it was as if my mind was being deprogrammed. I realized that EVERYTHING I see and believe has been programmed. The fact that I thought I was supposed to lie or sit there quietly and not move, to conform to the social setting was my own programming. I was controlling myself. I realized I am ALWAYS in control and controlling. I never actually allow myself to flow naturally and am always monitoring myself to ensure I'm behaving appropriately. It's such unconscious, habitual programming.

I was being shown that the classic hippies of the 60s were among the most awakened, prime examples of people who have broken free of this social programming. I had a whole new level of respect and admiration for them. I was expecting that after this trip I would probably turn into a hippy, wear all the colourful clothes, dance freely and not care what others think. ha!

There was more but that was the essence of my Ayahuasca journey. All in a dark room at night.

Then came day 2. Very different. I only ever read about and fantasized about peyote as a teenager and here I finally had a chance to experience something similar. This plant was very different. Lasts much longer. While the Ayahuasca had me knocked out lying flat on the ground, with Wachuma I was able to function better and actually walk times! Still kicked my butt, as I took the strong dose.

With this one, the visions and colours were somehow more artistic. I was seeing beautiful art everywhere! I had so many visions of native and ancient art, like from the Incas and Aztecs, images of rock art, pottery art, rock carvings, symbols..etc The grass looked like creative art, the bushes and plants were perfect displays of art, the CLOUDS! ..they were literally made up of human figures, babies, animals, all moving in 3D. Extremely real looking. I kept squinting to see if I could shake off the visions but they totally remained. I was looking into a different dimension, where these figures were existing. The sky was a window into a different world. It was like looking into Michael Angelo's world of figures painted in the Sistine Chapel. But very three dimensional. Right there in our sky!

Between listening to the music, observing nature, talking with others, lying in my tent, I was seeing different worlds and dimensions. I kept having to check back into this physical world to keep a reference of what was real and what was not. I was in between worlds. I was also finding myself becoming fascinated with shamanism and the history of this plant. It felt as if I was tapping into the collective consciousness of all the indigenous who have ever done this over the thousands of years, seeing the images from their time period.

This lasted for 10 HOURS! It felt totally amazing. But little did I realize what lied ahead. It would be one of the most profound experiences of my life.

It was 1 a.m. and people were outside watching the stars and tripping out. It was the most ridiculously clear night time sky I've ever seen. We saw the milky way and millions of stars. They were moving, flashing, all connected..very surreal and magical.

And then it began..

I was standing there with bare feet on the gravel looking up at the incredible sky when something came over me. I couldn't and didn't want to move. I felt perfect. Just gently swayed from side to side. Non stop for HOURS.. About 5 hours without budging! Until the next day into the bright morning. Zero back pain, no discomfort, no physical needs, knees locked, holding an empty tea cup in front of my chest. Just in a physical timeless trance. At first I felt some sharp pebbles under my feet but I couldn’t bring myself to move or clear them. After a while, the sensation disappeared.

I couldn't believe how this feat was even possible! Especially with such ease. Everybody else slept. It was silent out and there was only one guy standing outside all night. Me. It made me realize that the physical can do far more than we give it credit. Examples of David Blane came to mind. Even David Icke who had his first breakthrough experience being frozen in a similar state.

But as I stood there, here was the real profound experience.

At first I reconnected with my Indian chief spirit guide. He acknowledged me for having done the spiritual work and how I discovered being able to see him. I continued to make connections to all of the other shamans and ancestors from all 3 Americas north to south, throughout the ages. And it was in real time, as if time didn't exist and I was actually with them. It felt like such a beautiful reunion. I realized in my past life I was actually one of them. I met the council of wise elders and I fit in with them. I saw how in these cultures community decisions were made with wisdom and consultation. For the first time I didn't see all these people as foreigners or strangers but we were all connected together at the heart. We were all people. Together in harmony.

Then came a BIGGIE. I then realized that these indigenous people were not the first people. They are actually all descendants…descendants of Lemuria and Atlantis! At that moment I realized I was also a Lemurian descendant! Upon this realization it's as if all the beings across the world, in all directions of time, lit up and rejoiced. I was now reunited with my original Lemurian family and friends! This was DEEP! I’ve come full circle.

I was just in this incarnation now, on a mission to continue to carry out the work they've done in the past, to bring and bridge spirit into this world. I am to be a modern shaman or spiritual messenger or medicine man.. so I continued to stand there, now understanding why I was locked in this physical trance. I was being used as the medium to anchor all of the light into the world, connected to the stars while grounding into the earth. I further invited all the angels, lightworkers, Arcturians, space friends and all light beings across the universe all to pour their energy through me into the earth. I was a beacon of light. I was helping to bring forth Lemuria and Atlantis 2.0

Then it dawned on me that there are dark forces who don't want any of this and that I was making myself a big target. I faced this fear by focusing on love from the heart and stating that I'm only inviting beings of 100% love and light. I just kept raising the vibrations.

Next, I put a giant merkaba around myself. It was perfect balance and harmony of the upward and downward pyramids, the masculine and feminine. Immediately I sensed a shift, a solid grounding and clarity. I also felt a sexual sensation in the root chakra, which totally caught me off guard. But I was surprised how effective this geometry was. I spun the merkaba faster and faster until it was spinning a million miles an hour, creating an incredible field of light.

That then reminded me of the Sri Yantra. which is many upward and downward triangles, for an even more effective balance and harmony. I remembered how Dr. Patrick Flanagan (living genius) said it's the most powerful symbol in the universe.


Still processing all of this. But something definitely unusual happened. By about 6:30 a.m. the magic was done. I finally felt my body wearing out. My knees were completely locked and stiff and I couldn't feel the bottom of my feet. I was worried I would buckle and fall over. I couldn't move. I had to send a psychic message for assistance inside the building and wait and wait for somebody to wake up and come around to help me. Somebody did come. Took me about 10 minutes to recover feeling and learn how to walk again. Very slowly like a cripple.

Since then I've been searching the net for any images that I saw in my head. I've been researching shamanism and ancient indigenous cultures and the history of the use of these plants. Watching lots of Terrence McKenna. Wow.. totally resonating with his insights on all this. He's describing the same kinds of impressions and observations that I had. There's something seriously interesting and deep about this world of plants. It's sparked something in me.

All weekend I was connected to earth and nature and to how life used to be for all the natives. Now back in civilization, the sharp contrast of all the concrete, the huge roads busy with cars...I didn't like it! Living in our own separate boxes, driving in our separate boxes, and going to work in our boxes. I'm MUCH clearer on how we are actually meant to live.

Will I take these plants again? Hell ya!!

  • This photo was taken about 6 hours after THE standing experience. I got a couple of hours sleep, changed into shorts (originally stood in a hoodie and track pants with bare feet), and then re-created the exact same position and spot for this photo.

Classic! Thanks for putting words to your experiences. Quick correction: ayahuasca is created from the combination of a vine, yes (called "Jagube"), along with a leaf called "Rainha"–both of the two combine to create a blend of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine "Force," from what I understand. I'm with you in great appreciation of these sacred plant medicines.

Thanks for note! Correct, the ayahuasca is the source of the DMT while the other leaf is the MAO inhibitor, which basically allows the body to actually use it, not block it.

You get it...the experience was so out there, at times beyond the ability of the english language to describe. This was just a crude highlight..

I dig your sharing. Spirituality is my very favorite subject, and I am so excited for the possibility of the sacred plant medicines being embraced by the mass consciousness. I trust this will help us all to grow together.

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