Shit gets real. The AYAHUASCA ceremony that changed it all & spurred a spontaneous KUNDALINI AWAKENING.

in #ayahuasca7 years ago (edited)

I get real with you all about the profoundly life-changing experience I had while communing with Mother Ayahuasca. The videos that follow this will be more about my Kundalini Awakening process that caused a destabilizing spiritual crisis lasting a couple of years - and how ultimately, all of this was a tremendous blessing and answers to my prayers.
I am sharing my story with others to help educate while helping myself continue healing and unpacking the last few years.

The circle where the ceremony took place

This magickal kitty was in the ceremony circle making her rounds.

Me transplanting a chacruna plant (the DMT ingredient in Ayahuasca)

Chuck & I planting chacruna leaves which turn into new plants!

The land was magickal

▶️ DTube

My name is Melina. I'm an Intuitive Healer who's been on her own profoundly challenging and intensive healing journey the last 2 1/2 years. Prior to this time, I was already very focused on holistic nutrition and natural healing modalities. But things shifted drastically after my communion with Mother Ayahuasca in the summer of 2015. I've since learned invaluable lessons about myself, as well as the nature of the reality on Spaceship Earth. Though what I went through was total and complete hell for quite a while, I knew I was going through it not only to heal my (and my family's) wounds, but also to eventually help support others in their healing process. Through working with my Shamanic Healer, a Somatic Experiencing Therapist, my Intuitive Health Practitioner, and many other healers, I have compiled quite the tool chest. My most recent discovery was the Medical Medium. Much of the diet related suggestions I give come directly from him - as he has helped restore my physical health. Other than authoring Steemit articles, I'm an artist, an advocate for personal sovereignty, and wife of the amazing Chuck Williams (Dash Digital Cash UI/UX Tech Lead). As I continue to heal from chronic illness, I'm working more and more at being an Intuitive Self-Development Adviser (a label I hope is descriptive and clear about the gifts I offer in supporting others). May you find value in what I share here. Blessings on your healing journey. <3


This subject is very interesting to me. I had a Yopo experience (snorable DMT containing seeds) around ten years ago, and the trip it gave me was really heavy and eye opening. Because I snored it, it worked only for an hour, but still it felt like a week or so. Since I go to South America I might try a real Ayahuasca ceremony. Will follow you to keep updated!

Thank you! I'm not familiar with Yopo - but sounds quite intense. I know straight DMT is colder and more of a shock since it all happens and is over so fast. I doubt I'll ever try it. Glad you found benefit in it. These substances are so valuable.

Thank you for sharing ! I've got doing Ayahuasca on my bucket list - won't say wheather or not I've done DMT lsd or mushrooms - job - but I will say I have on a few occasions experienced "awakenings" - full blown astral projection - time stopping. The westernized world keeps things that offer us those experiances illegal because they are a danger to the system. You've gained a follower - can't wait to see more from you.

I do believe that mind altering substances are illegal because we aren't as easy to manipulate or control when we get a better idea of the nature of the reality we're living in. Once you surpass a certain level of consciousness, it's hard to support oppression and violence - especially state sponsored.

Tell it girl!


Wow😪😱..your story is really touching.. Thank you.

although i always prefer traditional medicine, is good to know about other methods of healing and how people experience them. thanks for sharing your story, and it really looks like a beautiful and peacefull place

I'm curious what you mean by "traditional medicine". Western medicine? Allopathic?
Ayahuasca didn't directly heal me, she led me to what I needed to do to heal myself (and it took me two years to figure out how to heal my physical body - but I was led there thanks to the connection I established with my intuition through my Kundalini process).
And yes, it was so very beautiful and peaceful there. I wanted to move there at first.

sorry i mean western medicine, here we call it "traditional" because it is what always has been practice normally. and one of the first thing to conserve health is maintain the balance between body, mind and environment, and that looks like a perfect place to get them in balance :)

Highly rEsteemed.

It’s an interesting journey for sure. Lady K has been with me for many years. She will be with you for many more.

It’s good to connect with you guys again.

Say HI to the Moore’s for me 😎🥓


Yes, she will be with me for the rest of this lifetime...that's how it goes :)
But, the integration phase is mostly in the past which is quite a relief on my system and beingness.
We are no longer friends with the Moores. Part of this energy is leaving behind those who weigh you down or are not in harmony with your frequency. Hope you are well.

Hello ... I have been blessed by the Mother and I can say that it is one of the deepest experiences that a human can experience ... My first ceremony ended with a vivifying Temazcal ... "And I was left alone" as ends his Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda... I'll follow you, melinamarie... Will you follow me? ;-)

She is certainly something else. :)
Following back!

well, while maintaining the environment by maintaining some plants, for future survival

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