3 Women Allege Abuse by Ex-Democrat IT Aide Imran Awan, needs to be locked up big time
Video by Chris Simpson. Articles by the Daily Caller and Zero Hedge. Please Share. The more you find out about this guy the worse he is!
Nice going #DebbieWassermanSchultz a.k.a. Gerry Curls and other Deep State for hiring these Awan Brothers. All that Blackmailing #Spy-Ring in Congress, ratlines, cabal, car dealerships, big pharma, mangogate, you name it.
"The Daily Caller published statements from three women who say they have been abused by Imran Awan, the former Democrat IT aide for (Rep) Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Investigating officers found one of the women bloodied, and further statements have been given by Awan's own stepmother who previously said that Awan had threatened to kidnap immigrant women, while keeping her captive."
‘Like a Slave:’ Three Muslim Women, At Least One Of Them Bloodied, Called Police on Imran Awan
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