Waking Up Is Hard To Do

in #awakening6 years ago

Waking Up Is Hard To Do
April 24, 2018

I thought I was awake because I resonate with non-mainstream ideas: quantum physics, holistic healing, unity consciousness, off (and inner) planet civilizations, star beings, multidimensionality, time travel, etc.

But it wasn’t until I recently took my head out of the clouds and started looking closer to home that I WOKE UP. And I’ve been pretty conflicted and miserable ever since.

Fed up with a year’s worth of Trump news, shocked that he was still our president, I decided to uncover why people like him. It led me down a rabbit hole from which I’ve never fully recovered. And I’m so grateful!

Usually an optimist, I never gave much attention to the cabal/illuminati/new world order/deep state/the 1%. I treated them like the Midwestern Phelps (religious) family. I ignored them. Until now:

Highlights from my crash course in dark, thorny, criminal, rabbit holes:

• 1933 House Joint Resolution 192, creation of the STRAWMAN
• Our birth certificates are pledged as collateral for national debt
• Our country is literally a corporation, operating via laws of commerce (just like Walmart) not the constitution
• Origins of the illegal Federal Reserve
• JFK was assassinated for wanting to dismantle the Federal Reserve. Bush senior was head of CIA. Connecting the dots
• The Rothchilds own or control virtually every bank in the world
• The Crown and the Vatican – too extensive to address here
• Bush(s), Clinton(s), Obama crimes
• 5-G cell phone service is dangerous. DO NOT upgrade
• Our media is (still) controlled by alphabet agencies. Includes mind control
• Project Mockingbird – MK Ultra – Operation Paperclip
• Pedogate/Pizzagate is real – 27 million kids are victims. Please watch:

• 25,000 sealed indictments since fall of 2017
• Our elected “leaders” and armed forces are satanically involved with (and covering up) human trafficking
Let me make this more real – leaders (worldwide) are raping, torturing, murdering, and eating – CHILDREN – every day
• Body organs are being harvested from refugees and immigrants
• Medical communities, adoption agencies, and many police are accomplices
• There is no time to help friends gently wake up to the gravity of this truth
• Children (and adults) are dying on OUR watch – we are not protecting them
• Trump is the first president to claim he will rid the world of these sick pedophile elites. Could he use these words? No. He called it “draining the swamp” and “make America great again.” I get it now
• Trump’s Executive Order of Dec. 21, 2017 freezes assets of those involved in human trafficking and related corruption. This is beyond HUGE. This is what is going on behind the scenes
• “Q Anon” phenomenon. Revolutionary, real time intel from the White House
• Every international issue is connected to (money) human trafficking and control of nations over its people
• Waking up feels like sickness. It can be unbearable. Once you know, you cannot go back to sleep, and every minute we hit the snooze alarm, CHILDREN are being tortured.
Our silence (sleep) is our consent

On the WOKE SIDE …………

• CIA whistleblowers claim the US Military asked Trump to run for office and he has their full support (and plan) in bringing an end to the crimes they have
witnessed for decades, indeed – centuries
• Former military and special agents are speaking out on all corruption
• This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius – peace will guide the planets
• Mystics have told us we are entering The Golden Age
• It is up to us to bring down the old paradigm and to create a new one. That is why we were born at this time in history
• Trump knows about free energy – connection to Telsa’s papers – Trump claims going to Mars (we’ve already been)
Backpage.com – the largest human trafficking ring in the world - has been seized!!!! Related: https://www.iamjanedoefilm.com/
• Thank you Roseanne Barr for your bravery for speaking out on these matters: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/21/roseanne-barr-mk-ultra-rules-in-hollywood/
• The cabal is being defeated – and they are scrambling for their lives
• This is the Great Awakening
• Thank you @JaySather (Destroying the Illusion), @dakini5d (You Are Free TV), @JenniferHammons, Liz Crokin, Sarah Westall, Anti School, Tracy Beanz, and the many other civilian journalists who are committed truth seekers and reporters. These brave souls are doing the dirty work of reporting what mainstream media will not/cannot report.

This is a messy essay. I’m not a writer. I’m not a reporter. I am a light-seeker and light bringer, willing to look beyond my comfort zones. I chose to step into this dark hole to educate myself. Then, I got lost. It became a bottomless pit of one crime against humanity exposed after another. Waking up is hard to do. And it is not a one-time event. You wake up every day. But even the most enlightened master must ascend to the next level - for life is infinite. There is always more to explore, and surely as we grow in wisdom we wake up to more and more beauty, not darkness.

Ironically, I had a family member always shouting, “You’ve got to wake up.” Why was he so angry with us? What was he yelling about? What did he expect us to do? Decades later, I look around and see people leading happy and fulfilling lives. How can that be? “If they only knew, they’d be in tears too,” I often think. Whether I liked it or not, it was finally my time to WAKE UP. Our individual journey is impeccably timed for our highest good.

When I was in grade school I was molested by a stranger. Thankfully I was not physically harmed, but the 9 year old me was frozen in fear. I suspect I lost my voice that day, and it has taken decades to retrieve. I honor those who have been speaking up, risking their own lives on the behalf of children trapped in enslavement. May I use my voice (words/prayers) for the highest good to unfold for these children - indeed, all of humanity.

Many in the New Thought/Law of Attraction community might remind me that looking at darkness only creates more darkness. Yep. I was certainly much happier when I didn’t know I was living in a world where children are being tortured daily by the very people who took oaths to protect them. I was happier being only a little awake. But I view this mid-life crisis as a necessary WAKE UP call. Now that I am AWARE, I can make more conscious choices. To be informed is to be empowered. I can now support the people who are on the front lines. I can speak my voice on these topics and be there for others as they wake up. I can offer compassion to those who might also be brought to their knees in disbelief. I can offer prayers of peace. Maybe some of the happy people I see are already awake and are coping beautifully. I want to know how they did it.

Trump is no knight in shining armor. But when the world is this effed up, it’s going to take someone of equal force to be heard. Truthers say it’s vital to “red pill” our families and friends – that if we don’t wake each other up to these crimes against humanity, more children will be sacrificed and freedoms will be lost on the rest of us. My style isn’t to alarm. I can only go down the rabbit hole so far before I get overwhelmed and fearful. I do have to put on the brakes and say, “no more” – today. Then I regroup, meditate, pray, seek nature, and give thanks for all the good in life. Now I’m looking for ways to TAKE ACTION, concrete steps to help the children who are suffering without our knowledge. If you find yourself having a similar experience, please – contact me. That which cannot be shared cannot be healed.

Waking up is hard to do. Staying silent is harder. Here’s the bullet point you likely don’t want to read and the hardest to type:

• I am now supporting Trump. A hard pill for some to swallow, including me. But as long as he is committed to bringing down those who harm our children, restoring our Republic, and cutting free from the stronghold of the centralized banking cartel, he has my blessing.

As I pray, please take the word “I” for yourself – as we are One in heart and mind

Source/Creator/God …..giver and sustainer of all life, I acknowledge Your strength and unconditional loving presence as my own Holy Temple. In Your safe embrace I rest my tired soul, surrendering the burdens of the world that I carry into Your alchemical care. Here, I know my wounded places are transformed by Light. Nothing is too big, too dark, too heavy to be made anew. My inner light can never be diminished, damaged, or lost. No circumstance is beyond my ability to heal. I now call upon all beings of Light to assist humanity with such needed healing. All leaders, those on the front lines, caretakers, and alliances are surrounded by a powerful energy – always, and in all ways. Our hearts and minds are joined in comfort with the supreme knowing that children everywhere are protected by this same Infinite ray - beyond our understanding. Gently, I breathe deep and relax into the knowing that an army of Light is working around the clock to secure their safety in ways that I cannot comprehend. So too, my own life is granted this same assurance. I am grateful to be WAKING UPawakening.jpg each and every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is done. It is done. And so it is.



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