Mind Bomb 1 - When the Levee Breaks
thunder & lightning
water's rising
neurons dancing
spirits exciting
The premiere episode of 3rd Eyewitness News features Les Grievances and breaching flood gates.
Greetings! -I'm Les Grievances here with this moment's 3rd Eyewitness News Update...
This Just In!: Floodgates are breaching as neurological storms are raging... The Collective Unconscious is rapidly becoming a Collective Consciousness within the Collective Hallucination we perceive as our Collective Reality...
It is becoming increasingly difficult to hold on to outdated paradigms as multitudes of minds awaken around us...
For more in formation tune to the 5th vibration...
Next week: Governments hate Mystics...
For 3rd Eyewitness News, I'm Les Grievances...
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