Mind Bomb 7 - Wholly Shift - The Art Of Allowing
the path around is a path straight through
Wholly Shift! Transcript:
Mark: Hey Les, I've been shifting myself...
Les: Shifting yourself...?
Mark: Yes...! Shifting myself! ...And it's been great; even when it's not...
Les: Even when it's not...?
Mark: Even when it's not...!
Les: When is it not...?
Mark: In the face of uncertainty...
Les: Hmmmm...
Mark: When uncertainty arises, it triggers fear... When fear arises, it triggers retreat... If you don't know it's happening, it just happens... If you observe it happening, you can transcend it...
Les: Transcend what...?
Mark: The need to KNOW... The need to be RIGHT... The need to have certainty...
Les: Hmmm... So you're 'overcoming' fear...?
Mark: ..Not 'overcoming'... Courage isn't the absence of fear, but action in the face of it. Fear does serve a purpose. On a very basic level, fear is what keeps one from stepping in front of a bus.
Les: [Smiling broadly] ...You're making a distinction between 'one having THEIR Fear' VS. 'their Fear Having THEM'!
Mark: Precisely...! One who 'has their fear' is capable of addressing that which frightens them. One who's 'fear has them' may very well deny that which is frightening.
Les: So what do you do when confronted with fear...?
Mark: It's not about overcoming fear; that's futile... It's about INTEGRATING Fear... In fact, IF there IS a way to overcome fear, it's most likely through its integration...
Les: So... Actively experiencing fear as it arises, rather than avoiding it...
Mark: It's the only way to Grow! ...The places we don't want to go are precisely where we need to be...
Les: Wholly Shift!
Mark: [Nodding] Floodgates are breaching...!
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