The Collective's Message to LightWorkers ~ and ~ The Eclipse "Portal" Energies

in #awakening7 years ago (edited)

I came across these two intriguing little articles/blog posts about the "Ascension/Event", & The Energies of the Upcoming Super Eclipse "Portal" Experience.

A channeling of "The Collective" transmitted through Caroline Oceana Ryan, & a message/update from Diane Canfield. Respectively.

Remember to only take from this - that which resonates with you

Art below by Sam Farrand:

Found from "Ascension Times"

by Caroline Oceana Ryan:

"The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective ~

Greetings, LightWeavers and co-Creators of the New Earth!


We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

We have been asked by several of you about Earth’s Ascension, and the changes the Earth is experiencing at this time.

And so we will offer the questions and our reply here, with the request that each of your Spirit teams speak to you in ways you can clearly hear and respond to, on these issues."


"How is Mother Earth—the plants, flowers, trees, rocks, water, air—all the Elementals—responding and changing with these new fifth dimensional frequencies?

We hear a lot about all the high-impact changes to our Earth—hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, fires, drought, weather swings.

The Collective talk about being out in Nature, to ground as we transition, and to walk in Gratitude, Joy, and Peace.

Are there new ways we are to connect with the Earth and its elements in these 5D frequencies? Are there new ways to support the Ascension of the planet as we Ascend?

I keep feeling that I need to see with a new perspective, and to support the rising consciousness of the planet."


"You are indeed correct, that the Earth is becoming new again, in the sense that She is evolving into not only a higher frequency, but a higher expression of what you call the physical. And that you are also evolving.


Just as Earth evolves into a higher vibrational version of Herself, you are also, down to every cell, becoming the New Human, in order for higher frequencies of Light and higher expressions of Universal knowledge and wisdom to live in your spirit/psyche, as well as in your outer being.

Were these to take root and express themselves in purely fifth dimensional terms right now, you would find yourself stepping out of your body in order to inhabit those frequencies, rather than remaining in the body while experiencing them.

And so as with any newly birthed being, there is both a sense of real violence—the tumultuous Earth shifts you refer to—and the sense of the extreme delicacy, yet also, the hardiness, the determination to live, of the tiny being who is just now being birthed.

We would say, that if you could walk the Earth mindfully, with respect and compassion for Her shifts and changes, just as you live with compassion and kindness for your own mind, body, and spirit’s changes and shifts, that you would do a great deal for your own well-being despite the tumult of this time you live in.

This is in fact not a new way to honor the Earth.


It is the way of the pre-ancients, the indigenous folk who walked the Earth and knew Her power, and knew their own co-Creative power, including how to work with not only Earth energy to create or remold outer circumstance (including the weather, and Earth shifts and eruptions), but how to work with Universal energy as well.

That information is again open to you, if you are open to learning and accepting it.


It does indeed feel dangerous at times to be in certain places on the Earth now, just as childbirth feels to have an element of danger in it.

And we, as the midwives assisting in that birth along with your guides, Angelic guardians, higher selves, and all the Galactic and Angelic legions now assisting the Earth—we are aware of the toll it is taking on your mind-body-emotions, to be moving from one etheric shape to another, and to be taking the physical with you on this profound journey.


And so when you speak to this New Earth, send Her the Light you would send to one who is birthing a new reality.

Then send that same Light, shining out from your high heart, to everyone on the planet at present.


Your mind may tell you to send that Light only to fellow Lightworkers in the throes of the Ascension process....


Yet as a fifth dimensional human, you would not send healing Light only to certain parts of the Earth, ignoring those volcanoes erupting or earthquake-prone areas, because they seem troublesome, and you don’t like how they behave.

We understand the desire to support those who appear vulnerable and are open to such.

Yet we assure you, those in most desperate need of your Love and your Light at this time, offered in unqualified and open ways, are those who appear least open to it.

And so send that same Love and Light to those whom we have often called the dark hats—for that is a title they once gave themselves, and taken on with great pride and determination, though they now find themselves in a greater pickle than they could have ever imagined.

Because as they say, “The power of Love is overcoming the love of power,” and it has never been more true than in this moment of Earth’s history.

You will never again see such a tumultuous shift in power than this shift, which is the move from the ego-mind or pure willed determination to rule, oppress, and exterminate, into the heart-mind’s quiet decision to birth, heal, forgive, release, and nurture.

This is what makes this a New Day, dear ones!

You have collectively, as a race, decided to give up the need for control, and are surrendering to your own higher good and higher purposes.

And so when you send Light each day to your own body and heart-mind, thanking them for how strong they are, for how smoothly and beautifully they are making this transition to the Lightbody, take a moment to send that same Light, Love, and heartfelt appreciation to every being on this Earth.


Every tree, bush, flower, or blade of grass.

Every Earth movement or eruption, or rainfall or wind blowing.

Every bit of soil, air, water, or ether.

Every human, animal, and insect, as well as the Faery beings guarding and guiding their growth.


Every molecule of Earth is in need of your care and concern, but not only in the sense of picking up bits of rubbish you see by the side of the road, or not using dangerous cleansers or weed killers.

Not only in the sense of recycling, or drinking and cooking with structured water, and signing petitions to keep nature preserves and national forests protected.

All of that is exceedingly important and fine.

But some of the greatest work you can do, is speaking to Mother Earth as the dear and precious goddess that She is, thanking and acknowledging all She has done for you and all that She is.

And in that same moment, understanding that You Belong To Her, and that your life is inexorably caught up in Her well-being.

Then, just as you would have compassion and patience and respect for all She is experiencing now, extend those same high intentions toward yourself, for all the remaking and revising and transmuting going on in your every cell, etheric and physical.


Remember you cannot live separate from Her processes.

And so respect both with all your heart—have a special moment each day where you thank your body and spirit for all they have done for you, and then extend that same Light and thanks to all who live upon and within the Earth, and to Earth Herself.

And know that as you do, that beautiful intention will be magnified many, many times over by every Angel and elemental working to assist in the birth of the New Earth, and in your own Ascension.


You are here to witness a miracle—the release of one expression in this Universe, as it gives way to a far higher one.

You have asked to be here at this time, and have been given the great honor of helping to birth and bring forth nothing less than the even and honorable balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and the gratitude of a thousand Suns will reach you, as you allow yourself to feel their warmth.

Namaste, dear ones!

You are not alone in this.

We are with you, always."

~ Caroline Oceana Ryan

SuperMoon Blue Blood Eclipse Event

by Diane Canfield:

"Beloved Tribe,

The SuperMoon Blue Blood Eclipse is coming into our physicality and consciousness January 31st at 5:51 Am. As this epic Event approaches we need to be prepared as the energies the last few weeks have already been intense and showed us so much about ourselves.

  • This Special Event has only happened once in 150 years.

  • January 31st, 5:51 AM EST the Eclipse Starts

  • It is called a Supermoon because it occurs during perigee the moons closest approach to Earth

  • It is named a Blue Eclipse because it is the second Full moon of the Month

  • They call it a Blood Moon because the Moon turns a reddish color during the Eclipse

  • Lasts about 90 minutes

  • Remember-we are entering the Eclipse Portal as the next Partial Solar Eclipse is Feb 15, 2 weeks after the this one

The energies of the last few days have brought otherworldly feelings of not being completely in one world or the next. Then a blissful feeling showed up today that always appears after the cleansing energies. These are part of the transition phase energies brought on by the coming Eclipse.

When any uncomfortable energy symptoms take place, always go to your sacred place and do not let yourself become disempowered by them. Then work to tap into the blissful feelings that always come afterwards.

The few weeks before this we had intense energies coming in with no sleep, extreme fatigue and massive personal insights.

These insights are there for everyone to grab onto, it doesn’t matter where one is in the ascension process.

Remember we have to make our way through these energies as best we can.

We do not want to resist them, as this makes them more intense. We accept and work our way through, empowered by our knowing they are bringing DNA changes to help us move into the next reality of the NEW Earth."


2018 The Year Of Light And Truth

"2018 is finally the year of TRUTH. We see this already with the many layers of darkness that is being uncovered. I talked about this taking place is 2016 and many times since then. Many things are changing now, not only inside ourselves but in our “much needed to change” 3D society.

The LIGHT IS NOW being shown on all that is dark, in ourselves and in all. What was once hidden is now being revealed. There was much hidden so this will be a lengthy process that will last all year and into the coming years....


For the Eclipse event, prepare for a magnification of this TRUTH and LIGHT hitting and activating each person on the planet.


Eclipses tend to magnify what ever is going on on Earth only in Super Size.

Eclipse energy can come in days before the actual event and last for days afterward. This eclipse is no exception."

How To Prepare

"You may have noticed that we are being SUPER affected by all things planetary now. Even just having solar wind heightened with no geomagnetic storms now has an affect on our consciousness. Remember – I started noticing this last year and talking about in my articles. (the solar wind on it’s own giving DNA activations)

I anticipate a high energy transition for this Eclipse Portal. What can you do? I advise to start grounding if you have not been coming up to this portal. You can find my grounding video here. . .

I advise to manifest a calming serene atmosphere in your home, starting now. This way these same energies can carry you through the eclipse portal and this sets the tone for the energy you want to create/manifest.


If you do not meditate start mediating now. You must mediate regularly to have long lasting benefits.

Just like everything else consistency is the key, but not overdoing either. We must create a harmonic balance, with not too little and too much as in everything in this reality.

When we create this balance we are in harmony with the UNIVERSE and Creator.


Start living in the moment of NOW if you are not already doing this!

I have been talking about this since 2012 and it is available for everyone to start. This will improve your life is so many ways. How do you do this? You do not multi task. You slow down and pay complete attention to everything happening around you at any given moment.

You give others your complete attention when they are talking to you. You set boundaries to ensure you can do this. It takes time to implement, so give yourself time to incorporate it into your system and way of being.

Start out by just trying it for a few hours a day and SLOWLY work your way up. I have lived this way for years, implementing it more than a decade ago. This is the way of being of the future, to be completely in the NOW. . ."

What To Expect

"What to expect? We may have geomagnetic storms during this time as well as earth changes. I notice now an increase in both these taking place when we have celestial events occurring in the last few years. This only works to enhance our already increased energy that occurs. I will be watching for both of these to take place and be reporting if they do.

Take note of DNA changes as the Eclipse comes close and occurs. This could be in the form of intense body heat or increased vibrations in the body. Eclipses can and do cause MANY ascension symptoms for us so be aware this has the potential to manifest.

Eat light and drink extra water during these upcoming days. Many are already making the change to vegan/organic&local meals, and many more will join. This is a sign of the NEW EARTH forming, which we are ALL creating.

Be aware our reality is in the process of changing for the better these days. There is a massive clearing going on of hidden darkness.

I am aware many are still learning this, while more are coming on board. I have noticed an increase in this ability in the spiritual community in the past 2 years. Many are tired of being fooled and lied to and they have no tolerance for deceit anymore. This is a sign of activated DNA and being able to hold more light in the light body formation.

What to Expect from the EclipsePortal? Massive DNA changes leading us into the higher realms of LIGHT. Look for these changes to occur during this portal. Eclipses are known to be very powerful transmitters of LIGHT and this one being as powerful as it is may be a knock out.

The Energy Portal lasts from January 31^st to February 15^th.


In Service and Love"

~ Diane Canfield

#5d #lightbody #ascension #gaia #love #light #chakras #heart #anahata #channeling #spirituality #channeling #the-collective #portal #upgrades #light-codes #cosmic #higherself #reality #lawofattraction #the-event #meditate #meditation #grounding #energy

∞ ❤ ॐ


I wanted to vote for This but cheetah marked it as a copy/paste job.
I still believe this article is fantastic!
Please be more careful when you use passages from the Internet. You need to mark them as a source and in a block.
Good luck for you and keep going

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