AVOCADOS!!! Festival, Brownies and Pot(s)
Hi guys!
My #socalsteemit friend @zingali requested a post about the Avocado Festival in Fallbrook, CA this past weekend where I was a vendor with my Cement Pot business MadPotters. Unfortunately (or fortunately, whichever way you look at it) I wasn't able to leave my booth all day so I don't have many pictures to share or interesting things to report back on - except for the fact that I had a lot of fun, sold some pots and made great business connections.
Here I am with another new friend made through social media! The succulent community on Instagram is awesome. It really validates what I am trying to do with my small business when people make a trip out of their way to show their support in person.
I ordered a custom avocado mold made from an avocado I picked myself in my back yard, but it didn't arrive in time. (Sad Face. I haven't figured out how to put emojis yet). So at the last minute, I created these leaf impression pots with the leaves from the avocado tree, instead!
And this one, because there were a few bottom leaves ready to be taken off.
All in all, I'd call it a successful day. Except for the part where I missed ALL the avocado treats - ice cream, cookies, fudge...you name it, they had it. Have you ever tried avocado fries? I'm not the biggest fan of the weird textures once you fry it up, but I assume they had it up for sale somewhere and it was probably a big hit. Fried anything is at these types of festivals!
Sooo.....since @nutinbutdatruth and I harvested what seemed like a literal ton of avocados a few days earlier and we had at least 15 ripe at the same time.....
I decided to make my own avocado treats! (Excited Face goes here, lol). Avocado Brownies from scratch were up first. I even melted the dark chocolate the right way in a double boiler. Well, sorta. I improvised by putting a spoon in the pot so the bowl wouldn't touch the bottom. It worked - no scorched chocolate. I took a bunch of photos of the process and what not, but for some reason they aren't uploading correctly. It's OK though, because once I added the smushed avocado and the melted chocolate together, the mixture looked like actual baby shit. Like, a 2 wk old baby who is allergic to his formula type shit. I added almond slivers and pine nuts (they were on sale!) to fancy it up once I had it in the pan, tossed it in the oven and started on my next treat.
Chocolate Avocado Pudding! There's really nothing to say about this one - the texture was amazing, but the recipe called for too much cocoa powder in my opinion. I really wanted to try avocado creme brulee, but I didn't have any heavy cream on hand.
Here's the finished brownies!
Admittedly, I haven't tried them yet. Mostly because I can't stop thinking of how it looked pre-baking, lol. Maybe later. I've got two more events coming up in May, so its back to the cement studio for me.
Happy Wednesday!

Lolol. Not sure if I'd eat something with the description you gave...I mean, it was vivid...a two week old baby's shit? Though, looks super tasty in the pic :)
hahaha i know! but i just tried a tiny taste. its pretty good. really fudgy and rich though. more flour next time.
I may need a bit more convincing. Lol. I am introduced to Soo much in this post. I never knew one could enjoy avocado in ice cream form. A Girl has been schooled..avocado style 👏
avocados give a really creamy texture to whatever they're added to. and because of the mild taste - sweet or salty both work! ive got to give that pudding some extra thought and another go, because the texture really came out perfectly. i dont have an icecream maker, but ive seen a few recipes where you dont need one! keep us posted if you try any avocado recipes yourself!
Hehe, everything is about evolution. Next time, a little more of this, a little less of that. Hope you have a great day!
i changed my mind. i thought the brownies would get better after a day, but now ive decided i dont like the texture at all. gotta find something else to try next!
Lol. Settling didn't help? Well, that's the fun of baking! :) And now you have more content...the search for the perfect brownies! Like, Kung Fu - The Legends Continues.
LOL. for some reason i only get an urge to bake every few months. hopefully there will still be some avocados left on our trees!
Mmmm, good avocados from your own trees. So much cool stuff people can grow without trying too hard :) There should be a bake-off group or contest somewhere here on Steemit. An idea maybe? @thekitchenfairy? :)
ooOO i like that idea! maybe incorporate it somehow with @socalsteemit meet ups?
Tons of bake off on Steemit, I stay away from them 😂
But omg avocado festival???? My kind of festival!
That cement pot with the leaf impression looks awesome!
Btw about the emojis, I know my macbook gives me emojis to use that work on steemit but I wonder if you could copy and paste the ones from your phone? Like these?
(I'm sorry if this doesnt work and all the emojis end up looking like gibberish code)
Nice post btw!
hahah most of them worked, but there are a few squares there. im on a mac computer but ive got a pixel phone. and i dont have steemit on my phone, only computer.
thank you!!
I wouldn't have thought of mixing avocado and chocolate but I'm sure it must work, if not visually.
For your emoji needs, look here: https://steemit.com/emojis/@blueorgy/steemit-emojis-master-list
DEFINITELY NOT VISUALLY!!! but taste wise - I like it! its mostly for the texture and fats. I guess the "healthy" version? hahaha.
Your shop looks elegant and the leaf impressions are gorgeous! Sounds like the avocado festival is a must-see for next year.
Your brownies are also beautiful, congrats on trying something weird and new. Hugs
thank you, darling! yes, definitely make plans to come next year!!! i didnt really enjoy them as much as i liked looking at them, lol, but alfredo ate most of the pan already.
You do some very nice work! Happy 420!!!
thank you so much, friend! happy 420 indeed :D hope you had a very blazey day.
The brownie looks really good!!! Bring some!! But make sure the only green stuff going in it is Avocado lol
aw, that takes all the fun out of it though! :P