Antonov-22-A Airdrops of tanks and parachute jumpers (Simulation Video by @schamangerbert)
Antonov-22A Airdrops of tanks and parachute jumpers in Hohenfels
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After a short break, we are now loading up old Bradley tanks in Innsbruck and throwing them down in Hohenfels on the training ground with the parachute jumpers. The start is a bit bumpy but we manage to get into the air despite overloading and overcome the mountains. The point-accurate airdrops then proceeds according to plan. Evening mood in Bavaria with the most beautiful violet colors make this flight something special.
Have fun watching the 39 minutes HD Video!
Nach einer kurzen Pause laden wir nun in Innsbruck alte Bradley Panzer auf und werfen sie in Hohenfels auf dem Truppenübungsplatz mit den Fallschirmspringern ab. Der Start verläuft etwas holprig aber wir schaffen es trotz Überladung in die Luft zu kommen und die Berge zu überwinden. Der punktgenaue Luftabwurf verläuft dann nach Plan. Abendstimmung in Bayern mit den schönsten violetten Tönen machen diesen Flug zu etwas besonderem.
Viel Spaß beim Betrachten des 39 Minuten HD Videos!
Video (HD 39 minutes)
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HowTo make aircrafts
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Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!
Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!
Original content by @schamangerbert

Wow it's a midnight mission right! It reminds me our war against terrorism, we used "Antonov" air-crafts to send our commando teams to the enemy targets. Like you did here! Great work and thanks for sharing such great experience with us! Really appreciate your effort!
(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me three more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)
The irony in this post was the bradleys :) Next time I will drop them into the sea :)
Such a beautiful description! I'm sure it's a wonderful flight! Thanks dear @schamangerbert for sharing!
You are welcome my friend!
It's great to fly with you around the world! :))
Oh, a flight around the world in 80 days :) Let's see how many ideas I have :)
Thanks dear @schamangerbert!
you managed it quite well loved this :)
Thanks my friend!
Nice trip with you, Schaman.
My pleasure!
Great information of mission flight. upvote and resteem
Der Abendhimmel is ja super, sieht echt cool aus, so ein Sonnenuntergangsflug.
Finde ich auch :) Wir werden bald die Flughäfen in Jakutien besuchen, da habe ich besonderen Wert auf die Beleuchtungen gelegt (ich habe dort 40 Flughäfen gebaut)
amigo #resteemia at your service
'Antonov-22-A Airdrops of tanks and parachute jumpers' a brilliant work & impressive video. nice work @schamangerbert
'UpVote ReSteem Comment'
Great post and great technology. 100% like and resteem