How to survive autumn and prepare for the winter

in #autumn6 years ago


Some people like autumn, they love the colorful leaves the weather which not so hot anymore and also the fruits and vegetables that ripen at the beginning of the autumn. But for some people, it is quite depressive time. Warm summer days are ending and the windy cold days are more and more frequent. As if that would not be enough the days are getting shorter and by the time you come back from work or school, it is already almost dark. I used to belong to the second group, but over years I have learned to like the autumn so I would like to share a few tips that might you help to survive the autumn time and get ready for the winter.

Get out

Going out regularly will help your body to get ready for the colder time. Dress well and take a walk. What actually helps me get stronger and avoid getting sick in the autumn is the garden work and recently calisthenics. Work on the garden will make you warm. I always forget the passing of time and realize that two hours passed just like nothing. If you are not a fan of sports then gardening is a very good relaxing activity where you will break some sweat and get relaxed at the same time. Don't have your own garden? Check the internet for some community gardens in your neighborhood. These days they pop up all over the world. A second thing is an exercise, because I have some inherited spine defect (nothing that serious) I have to exercise regularly to avoid back pain. I choose calisthenics because that's something I can do outside if the weather is nice. If you dress well exercising outside can strengthen your body and give you greater resistance against cold. It can be a bit challenging but the reward is worth the discomfort. If you haven't done any outdoor exercise before you need to start gradually and learn how to get dressed properly. This article offers quite a good summary. As a bonus if you get used to being outside in autumn you will not be so shocked by the cold when it starts being really nasty in the winter.

Find time to relax

It has been proved by several studies (and it is my experience as well) that stress weakens your immune system. Stress and anxiety are not the best combo, it's actually the best way to get sick or end up with burnout syndrome. Find time to clear your mind. Sitting by the lake or by the river is my favorite activity. Relaxing with a cup of hot chocolate or an Earl Gray tea is the second best :-). Try to find by yourself and ask yourself how do you feel. You might realize that there are some things bothering you and think them through. Some people might prefer sharing the struggles with a friend. Mental health is as important as physical health. Talking about your problems is no sign of weakness it actually requires a lot of courage. Seeking out the help of a therapist or psychologist is nothing bad too. If you break your arm do you also bite your tongue and say to yourself "It's nothing, it will pass for sure". No, you don't, so don't treat your precious heart and mind like that.


Enjoy seasonal fruits

If you can get fresh seasonal fruits it's best. Most of the apples taste the best right after you pick them. This way most of the vitamins and good elements are preserved. Freshly squeezed apple juice is also great, get some if you can. Many orchards owners make it from the apples that are not nice enough for the sale. You might have other autumn fruits in your country, pears, plums, prunes it all depends on the climate. If you live in a big city it might be challenging but taking a weekend a trip out of the city to munch on some fresh fruits might be worth it. Imperfect apples are good too, you can make an apple pie, fruit puree or other delicious deserts. But do mind your food allergies if you have any! My grandma would store the apples in the cellar where they would suriveve the whole winter. If there was no space we were drying the apples too. Supercharging your body with some good nutrients will help you survive the winter.

Apple pie - I do it my way

Stay with people who make you feel good

Autumn is a good place for indoor or outdoor events with your friends. Some people might like to visit a party but you can have a very good bonding time in doing outdoor pumpkin carving event, barbecue or a campfire evening. If you are an introvert you might feel good staying in a smaller collective but that's completely fine! If it is possible, arrange some time without your kids to recharge.

I hope this short article gave you some inspiration how to get over autumn days, if you have any other tips, feel free to share them in the comments below!

Photos are my own, if you want to use them please don't forget to include the source. Thanks ^^

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