Brown's Gas Powered Vehicles: Impossible?
"Many people do not realize that when you run a car or truck on gasoline of diesel fuel, you are actually running it on hydrogen. And all we are doing is using the hydrogen from water."
"By splitting water by electrolysis and creating hydrogen/oxygen gas, you can replace gasoline."
"What makes Brown's gas unique, and much more valuable, is that the hydrogen and oxygen have not formed into H2 and 02 molecules. They are in their monatomic (one atom per molecule) state. In this state, 3.8 times more energy will be returned when the hydrogen burns (combines with oxygen)."
"injects the hydrogen directly into the car’s air intake manifold (similar to nitrous oxide injection) to be combusted in the engine’s cylinders"
"Hydrogen is an increasingly popular energy carrier. It can be readily produced from water using renewable electricity"
"hydrogen is different from gas, the sorts of air-fuel ratios, compression ratios, timing and ignition energies you can run are wildly different from what you'd normally see. For example, you can run an air-fuel ratio as lean as 180:1, and a much higher compression ratio since hydrogen has a higher octane rating"