Vespa, Not Just A Two Wheel "Let the Old Stay Tempting"
Vespa, Not Just A Two Wheel "Let the Old Stay Tempting"
@foto by Al Muzalir Al Malik Al Pase
Steemit - Who does not know Vespa? Like other legendary byproducts, Vespa brand scooters have been very attached to the two-wheeled consumer in the country. Vespa is also known as the old iron, but who would have thought behind the vespa stored a myriad of heroic stories and the long history of scrap metal that melagenda in the country.
This time let prestigious History of Vespa in our beloved country, surely already on the curious right? Let's go straight together we discuss together
Piaggio Vespa was imported into Indonesia the first time in 1965 - an, or about 19 years since the Vespa was first to the world. Import process first dilakoni by PT. Mount Slamet (GS), The East Asiatic Company, and several other names, relying on two core products of the era entering the '70s, the Vespa Sprint & Vespa Super (Successor Vespa 125 & 150).
Each is still intact Build-Up (import intact), and priced around Rp. 400 thousand-an
Some of us might consider the price of Vespa to be very, very, very cheap ... But in confidence, in the 60-70s, the price tag was a little cheaper. The Vespa price at that time must be above other Japanese sports that have a more classy specs, such as Honda CB200-Twin, Yamaha RS-100, DT-100, Suzuki TS-100, or Kawasaki KE125. Even the price is only slightly different with Yamaha RD350 which became the icon 2-Unpopular in Uncle Sam State there
Will, Vespa remain Vespa! "Charisma" & "Attractiveness" it is proven yahud to hook consumers. Evidently, the more popular Vespa consumer homeland, cheap bandin band. The presence of Vespa Congo which wara-wiri on the streets, can try the aspect of pride of Indonesia, this is the beginning of the reinforced vespa on the market,
Vespa Congo is a vespa award from the Indonesian government to the Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces contingent. The troops called the Garuda Contingent (KONGA) are Indonesian National Army troops serving as peacekeeping troops in the conflicting African Countries & civil war, Congo. Indonesia began participating in sending its troops as part of UN peacekeeping forces since 1957.
After completing a heavy triumphal task, Garuda troops received a mark of appreciation from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the Vespa of 1963-1964. Because given to the Warriors who fought in Congo, So finally the Vespa is now known as the Vespa Congo. Uniquely, Vespa Congo Italian made products, the pelakunya Vespa GS & 125 made Messerschmitt, Germany.
The Vespa Congo is divided into several colors according to the officer's level ... The 150cc green Vespa is aimed at higher level armies, followed by the 125cc yellow and blue vespa for the level Lower rank. Plus Vespa "Special" has also been given the number mark of the soldier in question & an award plaque full of him.
Well, Because Many Vespa Congo is seliweran on the streets, Automatically many are smitten and finally. Plus, there was no supplier for the Vespa spare parts. Automatic, Born some company names who want to make Vespa in the country. That piece of Sang Vespa's story with high pride,
Well, Because Many Vespa Congo is seliweran on the streets, Automatically many are smitten and finally. Plus, there was no supplier for the Vespa spare parts. Automatic, Born some company names who want to make Vespa in the country. That piece of Sang Vespa's story with high pride,
a classic :D
yes, classic and tradisional @a classic