Chapter 4: Life in the eyes of a beginner engineer and being struck down by the man
From as far back as I could remember I used to love to learn how electronics and mechanics functioned. I also enjoyed taking something broken apart and trying to fix it. Living with someone who carries out the duties the people who control our government want turned my life upside down. I used to really look up to my father as a child. A child who didn't know how to think for himself yet. A child who saw police officers as respected, trusted and honorable. Even if that wasn't all cops I would have thought my father was different.
At a very early age my father tried to restrain me at a restaurant with glass tables. I will always have the scar on the middle of my forehead to prove it. All I remember about that situation was that my head came into contact with the corner of the table, started bleeding and had go to the hospital for stitches.
The next incident happened I was not more than 7 years old. I was playing master system and it stopped working. My father came over to play and realized it wasn't working. Immediately he accused me of breaking it, threw the controller at my face (ended up hitting right below my eye) and I had to be rushed to the hospital to get stitches.
I was fortunate enough to get an erector set for one Hanukkah and one day I was playing with it. My father comes home from work and notices what I've made, takes the contraption (which was a basic pulley system + gear driven system) and throws it downstairs, breaks it to bent pieces. At the time I was destroyed inside. Now I can look back an admire "Freddy Got Fingered" as one of my favorite movies.
Last but not least I'm going to include here all of the times that my father has come home from work and beat the living shit out of me for no good reason. He would literally tackle me to the ground (Now I have herniated discs in my neck and back, used to suffer from headaches all the time as a kid.) The time he couldn't get the camcorder to work and decided it would be best to slam it on the pavement so it explodes to pieces. I probably could have fixed it. (I fix smartphones now and have repaired digital cameras)